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Wie viel kostet der Kita-Besuch in Berlin?

Finde heraus, wie viel es kostet, dein Kind in eine Kita in Berlin zu schicken - Spoiler-Alarm: nicht viel!

Community Stories: Things I am Grateful for as a British-Indian Mother in Germany

Having a baby is an exciting adventure. Doing so abroad makes it even more thrilling but also daunting at times. From different cultural norms, to paperwork and processes, Kietzee community members share their experience of what it’s like to have a baby in Germany and raise a child in a foreign country.

Dr. Claude with kids

So findet man einen Kinderarzt in Berlin!

Nach der Geburt deines Babys benötigst du sowohl für die U-Untersuchungen als auch akute Erkrankungen einen Kinderarzt. Wir haben Tipps, wo und wie du in Berlin suchen solltest


Schwangerschaftsyoga in Köln auf Englisch

Finde heraus, wo in Köln englische Schwangerschaftsyoga-Kurse angeboten werden.


Wie Funktioniert das Deutsche Gesundheitssystem für Familien?

Für deutsche und internationale Paare, die ein Baby erwarten, oder für Familien, die aus dem Ausland nach Deutschland ziehen, ist es sehr wichtig, das deutsche Gesundheitssystem zu verstehen. Erfahre hier, wie es funktioniert.

baby feet

Wie Bekommt Man die Geburtsurkunde des Babys?

Die Geburtsurkunde deines Babys ist ein sehr wichtiges Dokument, das du brauchst, um zahlreiche Leistungen zu beantragen, die Familien in Deutschland zur Verfügung stehen. Erfahre, wie und wo du sie bekommst und welche Dokumente du vorbereiten musst.

Father and baby

Wie funktioniert die Vaterschaftsanerkennung

Erwartest du ein Baby, aber bist nicht verheiratet? Wir erklären den Prozess der Vaterschaftsanerkennung - Wie, wann und warum?

pregnant woman on the beach during sunset

Was Macht eine Hebamme in Deutschland - und Wie Finde Ich Eine?

Informiere über die verschiedenen Arten von Hebammen und finde heraus, wie du deine Hebamme für die Zeit vor, während und nach der Geburt finden kannst.

pregnant lady doing yoga

Schwangerschaftsyoga - Englische Kurse in Berlin

In diesem Artikel findest du eine aktuelle Liste von englischen Schwangerschaftsyogakursen in Berlin.

Doctor explaining ultrasound image to pregnant person

What to Expect at the Feindiagnostik Ultrasound in Germany

In certain cases, your OBGYN will recommend a special, detailed ultrasound, called the "Feindiagnostik." Find out when and why this may be recommended and what you can learn from the test.

Pregnant person having their blood pressure checked

Recommended Tests & Vaccinations in Pregnancy in Germany

You will find that there are lots of tests that will be offered to you leading up to your baby’s birth. Here is everything you need to know about each of the tests that are covered by public health insurance.

Midwife and pregnant person

Your First Pregnancy Appointment in Germany

What should you expect at your first pregnancy appointment? What tests will be done? What documents should you bring? Find out in our article.

Pregnant person with sign saying "maternity leave"

What is the Mutterschutz (Maternity Protection) in Germany?

What protection is offered for pregnant people in Germany? What does Mutterschutz mean? What is the Schutzfrist? Here’s everything you need to know.

Pregnant woman receiving an abdominal ultrasound

What to Expect at Your First Pregnancy Ultrasound in Germany

Let's dive into the details of your first ultrasound exam, which usually takes place between the 9th and 12th week of your pregnancy. Find out what to expect and what you will learn.

Expecting couple

Geburtsvorbereitung - Kurse auf Englisch in Berlin

Finde heraus, wie du in Berlin einen englischen Geburtsvorbereitungskurs findest.

Wie und Wann du den Kita-Gutschein Beantragen Solltest

Finde heraus, wann du den Kita-Gutschein beantragen solltest und worauf du bei dem Umfang der Betreuung achten musst.

Parental benefits in Germany

Elterngeld 101 - Was Ist Das und Wie Bekommt Man es?

In diesem Artikel sprechen wir über das 💸 Elterngeld und ihr erhaltet alle Infos - inklusive wie es funktioniert und wie man es bekommt.

Person holding ultrasound image

Pränataldiagnostik: NIPT, Ersttrimesterscreening & mehr

Hier findest du eine Übersicht der angebotenen pränatalen Untersuchungen, inklusive invasiver und nicht-invasiver Tests.


Was Gehört in die Kita-Bewerbung?

Was Du neben den Eckdaten noch in deine Kita-Bewerbung schreiben solltest um Deine Chancen auf einen Platz zu erhöhen – mit Beispielanschreiben.

Parents with Baby

Elterngeld Plus & Partnerschaftsbonus – Das Musst Du Wissen

Neben dem Basis-Elterngeld gibt es in Deutschland noch zwei weitere Formen. Hier erfährst du, was du wissen musst und welche Variante für dich sinnvoll sein könnte.

So Findest Du eine Hebamme in Berlin

Die Hebammensuche in Berlin kann herausfordernd sein. Hier erfährst du, wie du deine Hebamme findest.


Frankfurt - Schwangerschaftsyoga auf Englisch

Schau dir die Anbieter an, die in Frankfurt Schwanerschaftsyoga anbieten - auf Englisch und Deutsch.


Die Ultimative Kita-Gutschein-Anleitung von Kietzee

Eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, wie du einen Kita-Gutschein für Berlin beantragst.


Bereite Dich auf die Kitastart in Berlin vor - Papierkram

Du hast es fast geschafft, aber natürlich gibt es noch einige bürokratische Hürden zu überwinden, bevor dein Kind in Berlin in die Kita gehen kann.

Doula with a new mother and baby

How to Get Support After Giving Birth (Paid By Your Health Insurance)

Did you know that you could get at-home support (called "Haushaltshilfe") after your baby is born and that this can be paid for by your health insurance? Learn more.

What is a Rückbildungskurs and Why Should I Take One?

Did you know that your German health insurance might pay for your postnatal recovery class? Learn more.


English Language Postnatal Recovery Courses in Düsseldorf

Learn about your options in Düsseldorf of attending a "Rückbildungskurs" in English.

Family with moving boxes

Resources for Expats & International Families in Germany

As an international family living in Germany or moving here, there’s so many things to learn about the system, the culture, the bureaucracy…! Here's some resources we recommend.

Family by the ocean

Health Insurance for Baby and Parents on Leave in Germany

Learn what will happen to your health insurance when you’re having a baby as well as how and when to add your baby to your insurance.

Your Return to Work After Elternzeit – The Legal Perspective

As a new or expecting parent, you may have lots of questions when planning your return to work after your parental leave (Elternzeit). Our employment law specialist answers some of the most frequently asked questions.

Sabine Kroh – founder call a midwife

Introducing call a midwife

Are you struggling to find a midwife that can support you during pregnancy and the postpartum period? We chat with Sabine, the founder of call a midwife, about how they can help.

Ana M. Arias of Valdivia Photography

Guest Post: Parental Benefits I am Grateful for as an Indian Mother in Germany

In this guest post, Gitanjali More, mom of a little girl and the creator of The Confused Mother, reflects on her experience as an Indian mother in Germany.

notebook with checklist

How to Apply for Elterngeld – Your Checklist

Ready to apply for Elterngeld? Here is your list of documents to submit with your application.

Child with piggy bank

What is Kindergeld and How Can I Get It?

Families in Germany are entitled to Kindergeld. We spoke with Karla and Tarik from Get In Expat about the application process and how their tool can help international families.

Expecting couple with baby ultrasound image

What to Expect at Your Third Pregnancy Ultrasound in Germany

Find our what your OBGYN will check at the third (and last) scheduled ultrasound during your pregnancy.

Pregnant person

What is Mutterschaftsgeld and How Can I Get It?

Mutterschaftsgeld is one of the benefits available to (expecting) parents in Germany. But what is it exactly and how do you apply for it?

Yellow German mailbox and person putting a letter in

Template for Elternzeit Application

Use this template for apply for parental leave (Elternzeit or Elternteilzeit) with your employer. Approved by our employment law experts.

Dad with baby

Elternzeit 101 – What It Is and How to Apply For It

Learn everything you need to know about Elternzeit. What is it? How and when should you apply for it? What about monetary benefits?

What Does a Doula Do And How Do They Support Families?

Are you curious about how doulas support families during pregnancy and the postpartum period? And how does this differ from the work of midwives? Read on to find out.

Pregnant woman with ultrasound picture

What to Expect at Your Second Pregnancy Ultrasound in Germany

In week 17-20, it's time for the second ultrasound exam during your pregnancy. This is when things get really exciting because you'll be able to see your baby in more detail! Find out what else to expect.


How to Find Your English Prenatal Yoga Course in Düsseldorf

Connect with your bodies and babies, and prepare for childbirth – check our article for English language pregnancy yoga courses in Düsseldorf.

Baby Ultrasound Picture

3 Things To Do Once You Find Out You’re Pregnant

Here's what you want to tackle right away when you know you're having a baby – or better still: when you're planning a pregnancy in Germany.

Expecting couple with OBGYN

Changing Your OBGYN During Pregnancy in Germany: What You Need to Know

If you're thinking about changing your OBGYN during pregnancy in Germany, there's a few things you need to know about the timing and different options to move forward. Learn more.

To dos / post it notes

An Overview of Pregnancy & Parental Benefits in Germany

Did you know how many government programs (soon-to-be) parents can benefit from in Germany? Here's an overview so you don't get lost.

Pregnant person at work.

When to Tell Your Employer About Your Pregnancy

When you find out that you are pregnant, you may be wondering how and when to inform your employer.  Here’s everything you need to know.

Image with Mutterpass, ultrasound image and baby shoes

What is a Mutterpass?

At your first appointment with your OBGYN or midwife, you will receive a little booklet called a “Mutterpass” in German. But what is this booklet and what do you do with it?


Midwife, OBGYN, Doula – How Does Prenatal and Postnatal Care Work in Germany?

The way that prenatal and postnatal care is offered can vary greatly from country to country. Learn how the prenatal and postnatal care system works in Germany.