English Language Postnatal Recovery Courses in Düsseldorf

Von Lisa H

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 19 August 2024

Pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood bring many changes to a woman's body.

In Germany, it is recommended that new mothers attend a postnatal exercise course ("Rückbildungskurs"). They can also be a good way to connect with other families near you. Learn more about when to start your Rückbildungskurs and the different types.

This article was created in collaboration with our partner Jenna Davis. Jenna is the founder of Life in Düsseldorf, which is a treasure trove for internationals moving to the city. She is also a mom of two.

When certified by health insurance, your postnatal recovery course (“Rückbildungskurs”) can even be covered by public health insurance. You can search the database of your health insurance provider to find them though likely you will only find them taught in German.

If you prefer English, we found the following two Düsseldorf postnatal exercise classes held in English:

Hebammenpraxis 37: 8-week postnatal yoga course

Hebammenpraxis 37 offers postnatal yoga classes taught in English as needed. The course can be attended in-person or hybrid (€100) or online-only (€90). Some health insurance companies cover the fee in parts. Find out more.

miofit: 8-week pelvic floor class with baby

Support your body’s recovery process and build your community of new moms with superMAMAfitness® postpartum course taught in English (including one course specifically for Japanese moms in English) – €139. Learn more.

Online postnatal exercise classes

Check out our list of online Rückbildungs classes, some of which are live while others are pre-recorded.

If you are happy to attend a German-language “Rückbildungskurs”, check out this list of in-person pelvic floor courses by our partner Life in Düsseldorf.

Read the rest of this article and become part of our community of expecting parents ❤️ Join Kietzee Club today to feel more confident and connected!

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