Mutterschaft & Gesundheit

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Morgendliche Übelkeit - Alle Infos und Tipps zur Behandlung

Die morgendliche Übelkeit während der Schwangerschaft wird auf hormonelle Veränderungen und die Rolle des Vagusnervs zurückgeführt, wie in unserem Artikel erläutert wird. Wir geben praktische Ratschläge zur Anpassung der Ernährung und zur Bedeutung von Ruhe, um die Symptome zu lindern.

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen Eines Geburtsplans

Ein Geburtsplan beschreibt die Wünsche einer schwangeren Person in Bezug auf die Geburt und die Wehen, um die Kommunikation mit den Gesundheitsdienstleistern zu verbessern, hat aber keine Rechtskraft.

Pärchen mit Neugeborenem

Das Wochenbett – Produkte, Tipps & Tricks

Was braucht Frau alles für das Wochenbett? Unsere Expertin Karo Gaßmann empfiehlt und erklärt uns ihre zehn Lieblingsprodukte.

Wie Entsteht Schwangerschaftsdiabetes?

Erfahre, was diese schwangerschaftsspezifische Erkrankung auslöst, und finde heraus, wie du sie effektiv in den Griff bekommst oder sogar dein Risiko senken kannst.

Schwangerschaftsdiabetes - die Richtige Ernährung

Wurde die Diagnose Schwangerschaftsdiabetes gestellt? Hier erfährst du, wie du deine Ernährung umstellen kannst: Welche Lebensmittel unterstützen dich und welche solltest du meiden? So bleibt dein Blutzucker während deiner Schwangerschaft im Gleichgewicht.

C-section mom and baby

Kaiserschnitt - Alles zur Vorbereitung und Was Dich Erwartet

Etwa 3 von 10 Babies in Deutschland werden durch einen Kaiserschnitt (Bauchgeburt) geboren. Aber wie bereitet man sich am besten darauf vor - egal ob geplant oder ungeplant?

pregnant lady doing yoga

Schwangerschaftsyoga - Englische Kurse in Berlin

In diesem Artikel findest du eine aktuelle Liste von englischen Schwangerschaftsyogakursen in Berlin.

Family in bed

What is the “Wochenbett”? Preparing for the Postpartum Period

As you are getting ready for the time immediately after your baby is born, you may have come across the German word “Wochenbett.” Find out what this means and how to prepare for this postpartum period with the whole family.

sugar cubes

The Pregnancy Diabetes Test in Germany

What is pregnancy diabetes? And how does the test work, which you will be offered around 24-28 weeks of pregnancy?

mom and baby active

English Postnatal Yoga & Exercise Classes in Berlin

Learn about the different types of postnatal exercise classes and 'Rückbildungskurse." Plus a list of Berlin courses offered in English.

What is Diastasis Recti? What You Need to Know

Diastasis recti is a common condition that affects many women during and after pregnancy. Here's what you should know.

Wie man als Frischgebackene Eltern um Hilfe Bittet

Lerne, wie du als neue Mama oder Papa um Hilfe bittest und diese annimmst – und warum es dir dennoch schwerfallen kann, dies zu tun.

A mother, feeling sad, with her baby

Postpartum Depression: How to Know if it's More than Baby Blues?

Welcoming a child into the world is a wonderful but also life changing experience. How can new parents tell if it’s more than baby blues? Learn more.

C-section mom with baby

How to Recover from a C-Section, Mentally & Physically?

Have you just had a c-section or are planning to have one? Learn about what the recovery period may look like and how to help the healing process.

Doula with a new mother and baby

How to Get Support After Giving Birth (Paid By Your Health Insurance)

Did you know that you could get at-home support (called "Haushaltshilfe") after your baby is born and that this can be paid for by your health insurance? Learn more.

What to Expect with Your Menstrual Cycle After Giving Birth

Understand your menstrual cycle to help you navigate your postpartum period.

What if I Am Not Good Enough? Irrational Thoughts as a Parent

Ever wondered if you are good enough as a parent? When these thoughts turn irrational, they can become scary and intrusive. Learn why they happen and what to do.

Why Traditional Self-Care Is Not Enough

Self-care has become a prevalent recommendation for combating exhaustion, stress, and low moods. A certified health coach, explains how mental fitness and a positive mindset can help lead to long term stress relief.

Postpartum Support for New Families in Berlin

Life as new parents can be exhausting and we're not meant to do it alone! Here's a list of support for new families in Berlin – for practical things as well as mental, emotional or physical support.

Sad father with baby

What About Dads' Postpartum Mental Health?

Did you know that new fathers can also be affected by postpartum depression? Learn about the importance and the different aspects of a new dad’s mental health.

Pumped milk in container and baby bottle

Winding Down Your Breastfeeding and Bottle Journey

When and how to wean your baby is very individual and we’re here to give you some guidance around deciding when and how to wind down your breast- or bottle feeding journey. 

Woman biting hair

Hair Loss after Pregnancy – Now What?

Did you know that hair often falls out after having a baby? Spoiler alert: yes, it’s normal, and it’s also normal if you find yourself worried about it.

10 Common Myths About Breastfeeding

Learn to separate fact from fiction. Katerina Koukaki, a doula and La Leche League International volunteer leader, debunks ten common breastfeeding myths.

Expecting parents as team

Advocating for Yourself at Birth

Work towards a positive birth experience by learning how to advocate for yourself as well as for the birthing partner during labor. Expert tips by doula Marta Palombo.

Families with babies

Postpartum Secrets: Tips from Experienced Parents

Expecting parents often ask experienced parents: "What is it that you wish you knew before your baby was born?" Here's what we found out.

Massage therapist assisting a pregnant person

How To Alleviate Aches and Pains During Pregnancy

Are you experiencing aches and pains during your pregnancy? Learn why they occur and what you can do to release the tension.

Flying Safely During Pregnancy

Are you planning another grip before your baby arrives? Here's what you need to know about air travel during pregnancy.

Do It In Community: How To Not Feel Alone as a Parent

Here's how to find your parent community and why it's so important to feel connected on the exciting journey of parenthood.

Image with Mutterpass, ultrasound image and baby shoes

What is a Mutterpass?

At your first appointment with your OBGYN or midwife, you will receive a little booklet called a “Mutterpass” in German. But what is this booklet and what do you do with it?