Why Traditional Self-Care Is Not Enough


Zuletzt aktualisiert am 6 September 2024

Self-care has become a prevalent recommendation for combating exhaustion, stress, and low moods, particularly among mothers. The typical advice involves engaging in activities like taking long hot baths, using face masks, or attending fitness classes to alleviate these feelings. 

Though these activities might offer temporary relaxation, they often don't address the underlying issues that lead to continued feelings of stress and overwhelm.

Annie Xystouris, a certified health coach for moms and Berlin-based mom of two, explains how mental fitness and a positive mindset can help lead to long term stress relief.

Despite years of coaching, therapy, and self-work, her turning point came post the birth of her second child, when she realized her need for control was overwhelming her. By recognizing this and developing the ability to quickly switch to a different perspective, she transformed into a more balanced individual, noticeable to all around her.

Now she has made it her mission to help moms prevent burnout and reclaim their lives.

The Underlying Problem

The effectiveness of a hot bath or a yoga class is significantly diminished if the rest of your day is consumed by stress about deadlines, interpersonal conflicts, or external pressures. More often than we realize, our lives can be permeated with fears, negative thoughts, and limiting beliefs that significantly influence our well-being.

Mental Outlook vs. Physical Self-Care

Achieving a more serene and fulfilling life involves more than just self-care routines; it hinges on our mental outlook. The essence of the problem often lies in whether our mind is our ally or our adversary. This battle with oneself is known as self-sabotage, which can dominate our lives if not properly managed.

A Solution Through Mental Fitness

To counteract this, Annie uses (among other tools) the Positive Intelligence® (PQ) Mental Fitness program, which is a neuroscience-based, app-guided program that provides tools to shift negative thoughts, overcome fears, and break the patterns of self-sabotage that many of us grapple with.

The Real Benefits of a Positive Mindset

Imagine confronting life’s challenges with a positive mindset instead of a negative one. This shift could dramatically improve your well-being, performance, and relationships across all aspects of life. This vision can become a reality with commitment and effort.

The New Paradigm of Self-Care

With this new way to perceive and implement self-care, parents can fundamentally improve their mental outlook and emotional resilience.

Thanks, Annie!

Learn more about Annie and her health coaching programs.

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