
Einblicke in die deutsche Kultur für internationale Eltern:
Wenn du deine Kinder in Deutschland aufziehst, ist dir wahrscheinlich schon aufgefallen, dass bestimmte kulturelle Normen und Erziehungspraktiken besonders auffällig sind. Wir erklären dir die wichtigsten kulturellen Besonderheiten, die alle internationalen Eltern kennen sollten, die in Deutschland leben.

Why Traditional Self-Care Is Not Enough
Self-care has become a prevalent recommendation for combating exhaustion, stress, and low moods. A certified health coach, explains how mental fitness and a positive mindset can help lead to long term stress relief.

How To Make Family Dinners Less Stressful
Preparing a balanced, healthy dinner that the whole family will enjoy can often be a source of great stress. We teamed up with a certified health coach who shared some tips about how to make dinner preparation less stressful and more enjoyable.

Understanding Parental Burnout and What You Can Do
This article includes insights into parental burnout, how it manifests, and why it's important to seek help, offering guidance on managing stress and improving well-being, so you don’t have to navigate parenting challenges alone.

Community Stories: Things I am Grateful for as a British-Indian Mother in Germany
Meet Seetal, a British-Indian mom in Germany. Learn about her biggest challenges, paperwork and what she appreciates most about raising a kid in Germany.

How to: Career Change as an International Parent in Germany
This article explores how international parents in Germany can navigate career changes, balance family life, and find family-friendly employers with confidence and clarity.

How to Rock Your Morning With Kids
This article shares practical tips and strategies to turn chaotic mornings with kids into calm, connected family time.

Community Stories: The Ups and Downs of Life as a Portuguese Mother in Germany
Meet Marga, a Portuguese mom living in Germany. Learn about her biggest struggles, learnings and upsides of raising kids in Germany.

Eine Kita in Düsseldorf finden
Wir haben Tipps, wie du dich im Düsseldorfer Kita-System zurechtfindest und den richtigen Platz für deine Familie bekommst.

Der beste Tipp einer Kinderärztin für werdende Eltern
Die Berliner Kinderärztin Dr. Claude Grenzbach verrät ihren wichtigsten Tipp für werdende Eltern. Spoiler-Alarm: Es ist nicht das, was du erwartest!

Kinderbetreuung in Deutschland: Alle Infos für Internationale Eltern
Erfahre mehr über die "Kita" in Deutschland - inklusive der Arten, Konzepte, Gebühren und noch viel mehr.

Video-Tutorial: So Findet Man Eine Kita in Berlin
In diesem 25-minütigen Video erfährst du, wie du eine Kita (oder Tagesmutter) in Berlin findest, und zwar Schritt für Schritt.

Alternative Betreuungsmöglichkeiten Während ihr auf den Kitaplatz Wartet
Suchst du eine Betreuungsmöglichkeit für dein Kind, während du auf einen Kita-Platz wartest? Wir haben ein paar Vorschläge für dich.

Das Erzählt Dir Niemand über das Erste Kitajahr
Bist du darauf vorbereitet, was in den ersten ein oder zwei Kita-Jahren auf dich zukommt? Ich war es nicht, deshalb kommen hier meine Tipps für andere Eltern!

Tagesmutter Berlin: So Findet Ihr Eine
Hier findest du Tipps und Tricks für die Suche nach einer Tagesmutter in Berlin.

Tips for Multilingual Families: Q&A with Kietzee Expert
Are you interested in raising your child with multiple languages? Learn about the different strategies and how to implement them in your day-to-day family life from Kietzee Guide Huguette.

How Giulia from Extra Arms Nanny Agency Can Help Berlin Parents
Giulia from Extra Arms explains her agency's offerings, which includes long-term nanny contracts, nanny shares and temporary babysitting arrangements.

How to Get Support After Giving Birth (Paid By Your Health Insurance)
Did you know that you could get at-home support (called "Haushaltshilfe") after your baby is born and that this can be paid for by your health insurance? Learn more.

How to Find a Babysitter or Nanny in Berlin
Looking for a nanny or babysitter in Berlin? Here's where to look and how much you should expect to pay.

Private Childcare Options in Berlin
Looking for private childcare in Berlin? We'll outline some options in this article.

How to Parent with Self-Compassion: The Brain's Role in Emotional Balance
How to understand your brain and find calm before sharing it with your kids.

What is the Difference Between a Babysitter & A Nanny?
Do you know what the difference is between a nanny and a babysitter? I didn't! But Giulia from Extra Arms tells us all there is to know.

Your Return to Work After Elternzeit – The Legal Perspective
As a new or expecting parent, you may have lots of questions when planning your return to work after your parental leave (Elternzeit). Our employment law specialist answers some of the most frequently asked questions.

How to Ease Your Return to Work after Parental Leave
Learn helpful tips on how to return to work with confidence.

Postpartum Support for New Families in Berlin
Life as new parents can be exhausting and we're not meant to do it alone! Here's a list of support for new families in Berlin – for practical things as well as mental, emotional or physical support.

The Joy of Simple Parenting: 5 Tips to Lighten the Load
As a parent, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by social pressure. Here are five tips from our expert Evelyne on how to simplify your family life.

How to Help Your Baby Sleep
Sleep is probably the number one topic new parents talk about! Learn how to set yourself up for success from day one in this article with infant sleep expert Keatyn Jayne.