
Your First Pregnancy Appointment in Germany
What should you expect at your first pregnancy appointment? What tests will be done? What documents should you bring? Find out in our article.

Maternity Wear that Works for Pregnancy, Postpartum and the Playground
As your pregnancy progresses, you will find that all of a sudden, your everyday clothes just don’t fit anymore. Here are some tips on how to choose maternity wear that lasts.

Changing Your OBGYN During Pregnancy in Germany: What You Need to Know
If you're thinking about changing your OBGYN during pregnancy in Germany, there's a few things you need to know about the timing and different options to move forward. Learn more.

3 Things To Do Once You Find Out You’re Pregnant
Here's what you want to tackle right away when you know you're having a baby – or better still: when you're planning a pregnancy in Germany.

How to Find Your English Prenatal Yoga Course in Düsseldorf
Connect with your bodies and babies, and prepare for childbirth – check our article for English language pregnancy yoga courses in Düsseldorf.

What You DON’T Need to Buy for Your Newborn
No need to spend any more money than you already have to. We worked with doula Keatyn Jayne to craft the ultimate list of everything you DON'T need to buy for your newborn.

Guest Post: Parental Benefits I am Grateful for as an Indian Mother in Germany
In this guest post, Gitanjali More, mom of a little girl and the creator of The Confused Mother, reflects on her experience as an Indian mother in Germany.

How to Choose The Right Stroller for Your Baby City Adventure
Are you overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information, brands and models? Here's a guide on how to choose the right stroller for German city dwellers.

How does the German healthcare system work for families?
As an international couple expecting a baby or a family moving to Germany from abroad, it’s super important to understand the German healthcare system. Learn how it works.

What is the “Wochenbett”? Preparing for the Postpartum Period
As you are getting ready for the time immediately after your baby is born, you may have come across the German word “Wochenbett.” Find out what this means and how to prepare for this postpartum period with the whole family.

Baby Must Haves: What You Really Need to Buy for Your Newborn
Don't waste money on baby stuff you don't need. We worked with doula Keatyn Jayne to craft the ultimate list of everything you really need to buy for your newborn.

Giving Birth at Home versus at a Birthing Center in Germany
Here's everything you need to know if you're considering to give birth at a birthing center (Geburtshaus) or doing a home birth (Hausgeburt) in Germany.

Community Stories: Things I am Grateful for as a British-Indian Mother in Germany
Meet Seetal, a British-Indian mom in Germany. Learn about her biggest challenges, paperwork and what she appreciates most about raising a kid in Germany.

Help! Where Is My Pelvic Floor? A Comprehensive Guide
This article delves into the importance of the pelvic floor during pregnancy and postpartum, offering expert insights from Stephanie Bielenstein.

Community Stories: Seetal Savla’s Journey from Sub-Fertility to Mom & Advocate
Parenthood begins long before birth. At Kietzee, we honor each unique fertility journey—its challenges, triumphs, and resilience. That’s why we share community stories to inspire, inform, and empower others on a similar path.

Berlin Prenatal Yoga Classes in English
Read on for an up-to-date list of prenatal/ pregnancy yoga classes in Berlin offered in English.

What Does a Doula Do And How Do They Support Families?
Are you curious about how doulas support families during pregnancy and the postpartum period? And how does this differ from the work of midwives? Read on to find out.

Advocating for Yourself at Birth
Work towards a positive birth experience by learning how to advocate for yourself as well as for the birthing partner during labor. Expert tips by doula Marta Palombo.

Postpartum Secrets: Tips from Experienced Parents
Expecting parents often ask experienced parents: "What is it that you wish you knew before your baby was born?" Here's what we found out.

Power and Limits of a Birth Plan
A birth plan outlines a pregnant person's labor and birth preferences to improve communication with healthcare providers, but has no legal standing.

English Birth Preparation Classes in Düsseldorf
Check out our options for English-speaking parents in Düsseldorf who want to attend an antenatal class.

How to Find a Midwife in Düsseldorf
Finding a midwife in Düsseldorf can be challenging. Learn how and where to find a Hebamme.

Where to Give Birth in Düsseldorf
In this article, we’ve compiled everything you need to know about where to have your baby in Düsseldorf.

What is a Mutterpass?
At your first appointment with your OBGYN or midwife, you will receive a little booklet called a “Mutterpass” in German. But what is this booklet and what do you do with it?

When to Tell Your Employer About Your Pregnancy
When you find out that you are pregnant, you may be wondering how and when to inform your employer. Here’s everything you need to know.

What to Expect at Your First Pregnancy Ultrasound in Germany
Let's dive into the details of your first ultrasound exam, which usually takes place between the 9th and 12th week of your pregnancy. Find out what to expect and what you will learn.

What to Expect from a Birth Preparation Class in Germany
Learn about what is covered in a German birth preparation class, when to take it and how to get it reimbursed.

Flying Safely During Pregnancy
Are you planning another grip before your baby arrives? Here's what you need to know about air travel during pregnancy.

What to Expect at Your Second Pregnancy Ultrasound in Germany
In week 17-20, it's time for the second ultrasound exam during your pregnancy. This is when things get really exciting because you'll be able to see your baby in more detail! Find out what else to expect.

What to Expect at the Feindiagnostik Ultrasound in Germany
In certain cases, your OBGYN will recommend a special, detailed ultrasound, called the "Feindiagnostik." Find out when and why this may be recommended and what you can learn from the test.

The Pregnancy Diabetes Test in Germany
What is pregnancy diabetes? And how does the test work, which you will be offered around 24-28 weeks of pregnancy?

What is Mutterschaftsgeld and How Can I Get It?
Mutterschaftsgeld is one of the benefits available to (expecting) parents in Germany. But what is it exactly and how do you apply for it?

What to Expect at Your Third Pregnancy Ultrasound in Germany
Find our what your OBGYN will check at the third (and last) scheduled ultrasound during your pregnancy.

What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag for the birth
Learn what you should pack in your bag to bring to the hospital for giving birth in Germany. Covers items for the delivery room, the maternity ward, important documents and clothes for the baby.

On the Day: What To Do When Labor Starts
The day is finally here and labor has started – now what? An experienced doula walks us through the next steps.

A Pediatrician's Top Tip for Expecting Parents
Berlin pediatrician Dr. Claude Grenzbach shares her number one tip for expecting parents. Spoiler alert: it's not what you would expect!

Homeopathic Help for Morning Sickness
The homeopathic treatment of morning sickness is discussed, focusing on both physical and psychological symptoms to select the right remedy, considering factors like symptom triggers, personal fears, and overall emotional state.

Morning Sickness – What to Know and How to Treat it
Morning sickness during pregnancy is attributed to hormonal changes and the role of the vagus nerve, as discussed in the article. Practical advice on dietary adjustments and the importance of rest is provided to help alleviate symptoms.

How to Find a Pediatrician in Berlin?
Once your baby arrives, you’ll need a pediatrician for both scheduled checkups as well as adhoc appointments. Here are tips on how and where to find one in Berlin.

How to Choose a Hospital to Give Birth at?
What criteria should you keep in mind when choosing a hospital to give birth at? Also, how can you learn more and why should you pre-register at your chosen hospital?

English Birth Preparation Classes in Cologne
Learn how to find a “Geburtsvorbereitungskurs” in Cologne – in English.

Cologne Prenatal Yoga Classes in English
Find out where to take Prenatal Yoga in English in Cologne.

How To Get Your Baby's Birth Certificate?
Your baby's birth certificate is a super important document that you will need to apply for many of the benefits available to families in Germany. Learn how and where to get it and what documents to prepare.

How does the Vaterschafts-anerkennung (recognition of paternity) work?
Are you expecting a baby but are not married? Find out about the German process for recognition of paternity (Vaterschafts-anerkennung) – the how, the when and the why.

Where to Give Birth in Cologne
Congrats! You are pregnant and your baby is going to be born in Cologne. This article will let you know your options of where to give birth in Cologne.

Introducing Kietzee Guides
Learn how vetted professionals can help you with personalized support for paperwork questions, legal concerns, hands-on support during pregnancy, postpartum and your baby's early years.

The Postpartum Period - Products, Tips & Tricks
What do you need for the postpartum period? Our expert Karo Gaßmann recommends and explains her ten favorite products.

What Does a Midwife Do in Germany – And How Can I Find One?
Find out about the different types of midwives and how you can find a midwife for your pre-natal, birth and post-natal journey.

International Baby Names for Families in Germany
Choosing your baby's name can get complicated – especially if you are from different countries! Learn how some of our Kietzee families chose their baby's names.

What Causes Gestational Diabetes?
Learn what causes this condition that’s specific to pregnancy, helping you understand how to effectively manage it or even lower your risk.

A Guide to Eating Well with Gestational Diabetes
Have you been diagnosed with pregnancy diabetes? Learn what changes to make to your diet: what foods to embrace and which to avoid, helping you maintain balanced blood sugar levels every step of the way.

How to Choose Where to Give Birth in Germany?
Learn about the three options for giving birth in Germany – at a hospital, at home or at a birthing center.

How to Prepare for a C-Section and What to Expect?
About 3 out of 10 babies in Germany are born via c-section. But how can you prepare for a c-section as expecting parents, whether it is planned or unplanned?

Medical Appointments During Pregnancy in Germany
Learn about the schedule of appointments with your OBGYN and/or midwife during pregnancy. How often are they? What tests are run?

Which Hospital to Choose for Birth in Berlin?
Here's an overview of all Berlin hospitals, including dates for information sessions, pre-registration information and specialties.

Recommended Tests & Vaccinations in Pregnancy in Germany
You will find that there are lots of tests that will be offered to you leading up to your baby’s birth. Here is everything you need to know about each of the tests that are covered by public health insurance.

What is the Mutterschutz (Maternity Protection) in Germany?
What protection is offered for pregnant people in Germany? What does Mutterschutz mean? What is the Schutzfrist? Here’s everything you need to know.

English Birth Preparation Classes in Berlin
Learn how to find a "Geburtsvorbereitungskurs" in English in Berlin.

Elterngeld 101 – What It Is and How to Get It
In this article we will talk about 💸 Elterngeld – literally parent money – including what it is, how it works and how to get it.

Prenatal Diagnostics in Germany: NIPT, First Trimester Screening & More
If you are thinking about having additional prenatal tests, here is an overview of the available invasive and non-invasive prenatal tests in Germany.

English Birth Preparation Classes in Frankfurt
This article recommends English courses to prepare for birth in Frankfurt (or Wiesbaden).

Elterngeld Plus & Partnerschaftsbonus – What You Need To Know
In addition to Basis Elterngeld, there are two other types of parental allowance in Germany. Here's what you need to know and when this might make sense for you.

How to Find an Online Birth Preparation Class in English
Explore our list of online birth preparation courses in English that are tailored to internationals in Germany.

How to find a Midwife in Berlin
Finding a midwife in Berlin can be challenging. Learn where you can find your Hebamme.

How to Find a Midwife in Cologne
This article will tell you what platforms to use and some tips on how to make your midwife search successful in Cologne.

How to Find a Midwife in Frankfurt
Congrats, you’re expecting a baby in Frankfurt. This article lists resources to help you find a midwife in your area.

Online Prenatal Yoga Classes in English
Looking for a pregnancy yoga class online? Check out our list of English language classes perfect for expecting expat moms in Germany.

Frankfurt Prenatal Yoga in English
Check out the providers we found that offer English prenatal yoga courses in Frankfurt in this article.

Resources to Prepare for Breastfeeding – Before Your Baby is Born
Are you considering to breastfeed your baby? Learn how you can prepare even before your child is born.

Munich Prenatal Yoga in English
This article delves into the benefits of prenatal yoga in Munich, highlighting English-language classes and their offerings.

How to Find a Midwife in Munich
This article will tell you what platforms you can use to look for a midwife in Munich. It also offers some tips on how to make your midwife search successful.

Where to Give Birth in Frankfurt
Learn your options of where to give birth in Frankfurt, including details on registration processes, facilities, and more.

Fear of Giving Birth & How to Overcome It
In this article, we'll explore what tokophobia is, why it occurs, and how those affected can find the help they need.

Privately Paid Tests in Pregnancy: Toxoplasmosis, Cytomegaly, B Streptococcus & Parvovirus B19
Find an overview of the tests that are not covered by public health insurance. Our midwife explains what they are and how to decide.

Introducing La Leche League
Learn about La Leche League, an organization that provides information and support to those who want to breastfeed their babies.

Introducing call a midwife
Are you struggling to find a midwife that can support you during pregnancy and the postpartum period? We chat with Sabine, the founder of call a midwife, about how they can help.

How to Choose Where to Give Birth in Berlin?
There are three options for giving birth in Berlin – hospital, home birth or birthing center. Learn more about these options.

How to Apply for Elterngeld – Your Checklist
Ready to apply for Elterngeld? Here is your list of documents to submit with your application.

Template for Elternzeit Application
Use this template for apply for parental leave (Elternzeit or Elternteilzeit) with your employer. Approved by our employment law experts.

Elternzeit 101 – What It Is and How to Apply For It
Learn everything you need to know about Elternzeit. What is it? How and when should you apply for it? What about monetary benefits?

How To Alleviate Aches and Pains During Pregnancy
Are you experiencing aches and pains during your pregnancy? Learn why they occur and what you can do to release the tension.

List of Birthing Centers in Berlin
If you're considering giving birth in a birthing center (Geburtshäuser) in Berlin, see our up-to-date list of centers near you.

Giving Birth at Home or at a Birthing Center in Berlin
Here's everything you need to know if you're considering to give birth at a birthing center (Geburtshaus) or doing a home birth (Hausgeburt) in Berlin.

Prenatal Diagnostics: How to Decide Whether to Test or Not
If you are thinking about or have been recommended to get additional prenatal testing done, here is some general information and guidance on how to make your decision.

An Overview of Pregnancy & Parental Benefits in Germany
Did you know how many government programs (soon-to-be) parents can benefit from in Germany? Here's an overview so you don't get lost.

Midwife, OBGYN, Doula – How Does Prenatal and Postnatal Care Work in Germany?
The way that prenatal and postnatal care is offered can vary greatly from country to country. Learn how the prenatal and postnatal care system works in Germany.