English Birth Preparation Classes in Frankfurt

By Lisa H &

Last updated on 22 January 2025

Are you looking for an English course to prepare for birth in Frankfurt (or Wiesbaden)? We found some for you!

If you're curious about what topics will be discussed in the class, when to take it and how to get it reimbursed, check out this article.

When you're ready to book a class, check out our list below – I would recommend doing so well in advance as English language classes often fill up quickly.

This article was fact checked by doula Amanda Graybill, who mindfully guides international families in Frankfurt and beyond through the transition to parenthood. She also offers birth preparation classes in English.

Familienzentrum im Westend

The Familienzentrum im Westend offers a bilingual (English-German) birth preparation course. You will meet 3 times for 90 minutes and get to know other couples or expecting mothers.

The in-person course prepares you for giving birth and you will learn everything you need to know about pregnancy, birth and the time afterwards. You can see a sample schedule on this Instagram post.

You can attend alone or with your partner. The course is priced at €120 per person or couple. 

Follow the Familienzentrum for upcoming dates or contact them by email to [email protected] or by phone +49 157 80508440.

The Familienzentrum im Westend also offers Spanish and French birth preparation courses.

Mindful Mama Abroad

Amanda Graybill from Mindful Mama offers both online and in-person childbirth education courses.

Most classes take place over a weekend, but one-day in-person classes are also available. All classes take place in English. Weekend courses generally take place on Saturdays from 9am-1pm and Sundays from 1pm-5:30pm. 

The GentleBirth workshop provides you and your birth partner with the tools, support and confidence to prepare for a positive birthing experience. The curriculum is based on the latest evidence-based research in the areas of mindfulness, sports psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnosis (think of it as Hypnobirthing+). The skills you learn in the class will not only help you during the birth, but also during the parenthood journey. 

After you choose a class that you prefer, you can register for the course online.

Amanda caps the online courses at four couples and the in-person classes at five couples to ensure lots of space for discussion.

The fee for the in-person weekend class is €350 per couple and one-day or private classes start at €399 per couple.

Online classes happen monthly and cost €299 per couple. Since Amanda is a Doula and not a midwife, class fees are not typically covered by insurance. However, it is worth asking your insurance provider as many companies will offer some coverage for courses that meet a specific need of the parents. 

Amanda is also a Spinning Babies Certified Childbirth Educator and offers those classes in-person upon request. You can follow her on Instagram for more information on her offerings. 


The Midwifery offers a monthly weekend birth class where the miracles and challenges of birth and the postpartum period will be discussed.

The course will create a bridge between evidence-based medicine and traditional wisdom with a focus on strengthening your confidence and finding your body's natural intuition.

Topics of the course will be: physical changes, birth mechanisms, positions and phases, daily routines for the postpartum life and a lot more. 

This birth preparation course is covered by health insurance. The partner fee will be €185. Apply by choosing the date that works best for you.

You can also find Susanne, the owner of the Midwifery on Instagram. She also offers a postpartum pelvic floor course “Rückbildung English” and German language pregnancy yoga courses. 

Familiengesundheitszentrum Frankfurt

The Familiengesundheitszentrum offers several birth prep courses: couples or mothers can attend evening or weekend courses in English. Individual birth preparation courses in English, Spanish and French can also be booked.

The costs vary depending on the course you would like to attend. The instructors are certified but it is not guaranteed that the courses will be covered by health insurance. 

The fee for the individual course will be €300 per couple. The weekend and evening classes will be €150 for one person and €190 for a couple. The Spanish course is priced at €250.

You can register for a course by clicking “Anmeldung”. Then you have to fill in the form that opens on the right side.

Eva Gottwalz

Eva is a midwife who offers birth preparation courses and prenatal care. 

Topics that will be covered during the course are: birth preparation, choice of birth plan, pregnancy related issues, questions, and thoughts, baby equipment, all about breastfeeding, and a lot more.

The course is covered by health insurance for the pregnant person. The fee for the partner is €130 (as of July 2024).

Contact Eva by email [email protected] or phone +49 69 97693345 and +49 179 5289755.

Midwife Tanja Nierhaus

Tanja is a midwife who offers a birth preparation course for couples.

The course covers all topics regarding pregnancy, birth and the first few weeks with your baby. 

The costs will be covered by health insurance for the pregnant person. The fee for the partner ist €250 (as of July 2024).

For registration and further information send an email to [email protected] with the following details: your name, address, phone no., name of your partner, expected due date and health insurance.

Milla Hebammenpraxis

Birth and postpartum doula Seli Jacome offers a weekend birth preparation class in English at irregular intervals. It takes place on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 4pm. 

This prenatal course aims to prepare future parents for childbirth and the life with a newborn. Doula Seli Jacome will guide you through the different stages of labor and the birthing process. The second part of the class, we will find out how to prepare for your postpartum period and talk about breastfeeding basics

Since this course is held by a doula and not a midwife you have to check with your insurance if the costs will be covered. The course fee is €145 for the pregnant person and an additional €60 for partners.

Contact the midwives directly by email to ask for upcoming dates: [email protected]

Lorisue Childbirth

Lori Sue Dieterle is a registered Canadian nurse specialized in labor and delivery. In Germany she works in clinics and also offers different birth preparation courses in nearby Wiesbaden - individual, in groups and online. 

The topics that will be covered are: Start and progression of labor, pain management during labor, breathing, relaxation and comfort techniques as well as breastfeeding and newborn care. You can also ask all the individual questions you have.

You can book the courses online after choosing which one you prefer.

Group classes in Wiesbaden cost €240 per class and offered on a weekend upon request. 

The fee for individual courses is €45 and €15 for partners (each per hour) and Lori Sue will come to your home. An additional fee for driving expenses from Wiesbaden (€0,55/km) is charged.

Lori also offers a monthly and compact “Birthing Abroad” class (90 minutes) at a gynecology office - Meduna in Wiesbaden – for €25 per couple. You can book it online by selecting Hebamme – Sprechstunde and then Hebamme – Kurs.

Novia Hebammen

Midwife Anaïs from Novia Hebammen offers a compact course at the weekend (Saturday and Sunday).

In it you will learn about the transition from pregnancy to birth, different birth processes and options for support during labour as well as the early postpartum period.

Topics covered are as follows:

  • Pregnancy: regular pregnancy support and contents of the maternity passport, changes during pregnancy, experiencing pregnancy

  • Birth: the start of labour, birth processes, support for women giving birth, dealing with contractions, birthing positions and breathing techniques

  • Postpartum: the first hours, days and weeks after the birth, breastfeeding support

You can book the course on their website.

Afloat e.V.

Afloat e.V. does not offer a typical birth preparation class but provides support to international pregnant and new mothers across Germany. Therefore they organize so called pregnancy groups

This group provides a safe space for those who are pregnant and living in the Frankfurt area to sit down with each other, share experiences, ask questions, and discuss a range of topics related to pregnancy and the transition to parenthood. They don’t discuss medical aspects.

It is a  4-week-course led by Amanda Graybill. It takes place at the Familienzentrum im Westend.

There is a sliding scale fee for participation for those who are able to contribute financially. The group is open and welcomes everyone, regardless of their ability to pay. 

German-Language “Geburtsvorvereitungskurse” in Frankfurt

If you are ok with a birth preparation class in German, here are some tips on how to find one:

If you have already found a midwife you can ask her first. Many midwives offer different courses on all aspects of childbirth.

Many clinics also offer birth preparation courses. It is best to contact the clinic you wish to come to for the birth. Then you can also combine the course with a tour of the delivery room.

Some clinics that offer courses are:

Some other providers that offer courses are:

For online options, you can check out our list of online birth preparation courses held in English (and tailored to the German system).

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