Now that you have reviewed the general criteria for how to choose a hospital to give birth, it's time to look at the specific hospitals in Berlin and their deadlines.
Here's an overview with detailed information on information sessions for expecting parents, pre-registration and specialties for each hospital.
Please note that some hospitals now (also) offer their information events online. Some events still take place in person at the hospital.
Finally, here's a piece of advice from Kietzee expert and doula Shanay Rocker:
"Unfortunately, all Berlin hospitals are in crisis mode at the moment with after care (Wochenbettstation), due to a lack of not staff. So if all goes well at the birth and you have an after care midwife (Wochenbetthebamme) at home, I suggest to leave within 3 hours, especially if your partner cannot stay with you at the hospital. You'll be better off at home with your midwife learning, healing and resting."
"I am also often asked about hospitals with lower intervention (low c-section) rates, which are the following: Vivantes Urban (Kreuzberg), Vivantes Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum (Schöneberg), Maria Heimsuchung (Pankow), Havelhöhe (Kladow/Wannsee). All will have some English-speaking staff, although it will depend on who is on shift that day."
Hospitals in Central Berlin
(Friedrichshain - Kreuzberg - Mitte - Tiergarten - Wedding)
Charité Universitätsklinikum Mitte (Mitte)
Info session
Currently not offered. Here’s an information video (in German).
You can register for an appointment in advance via this link. The appointment will take place in weeks 32 to 35.
A referral slip from your OBGYN is needed!
Birth registration on-site? (Geburtenmeldestelle)
Yes. Monday-Friday, 11:00 to 14:00 (except for public holidays). Needs to be within 5 days of giving birth.
What Else to Know?
Suitable for high-risk pregnancies.
Neo-natal unit (level 1).
Specialized in:
- prenatal screenings
- pregnancy diabetes
- preeclampsia
- breech position
- multiples
- infections during pregnancy
- maternal ailments during pregnancy
- addiction and pregnancy
Charité Universitätsklinikum Virchow (Wedding)
Info session
Currently not offered. Here’s an information video (in German).
Call or email as early as pregnancy week 32 to make an appointment:
+49 30 450 616 444 (Monday - Friday 09:00 to 13:00 Uhr) or sb-cvk(at)
Include the following information: your due date, your phone number and email address, anything noteworthy about your pregnancy, any questions you may have.
Birth registration on-site? (Geburtenmeldestelle)
Yes. Monday-Friday, 07:00 to 14:00 (except for public holidays). Needs to be within 5 days of giving birth.
What Else to Know?
Suitable for high-risk pregnancies.
Neo-natal unit (level 1).
Vivantes Klinikum im Friedrichshain (Friedrichshain)
Info session
Currently offered on Zoom and Instagram (@frauenhain) – see their website for information on upcoming information sessions.
Here’s also an information video (in German)
Book an appointment as early as pregnancy week 32 at this link.
Our community members tell us that you can also call a bit earlier than that at 030 13023 2215 (from 9:00 to 15:00).
The appointment will take place 4-6 weeks before your due date.
On the day of your appointment, you can ask if it is possible to see (one of) the delivery room(s).
Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
Yes. Monday through Friday, 8:00 to 12:00 (except for public holidays).
What Else to Know?
Suitable for high-risk pregnancies.
Neo-natal unit (level 1).
Registration of birth (Standesamt on site): Monday - Friday (08:00-12:00).
Certified "baby friendly" by WHO and UNICEF
Specialized in:
- prenatal screenings
- pregnancy diabetes
- blood clotting
- multiples
- premature births
- infections during pregnancy
- internal diseases during pregnancy
Vivantes Klinikum am Urban (Kreuzberg)
Info session
In person: Every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 18:00 in German. Register online as soon as you can as spots fill up quickly. They now also offer small group information sessions in English, Spanish, Italian and Turkish (16:00-17:00). See the 2024 dates (no registration required).
Book an appointment as early as pregnancy week 35 at this link.
The appointment will take place 4-6 weeks before your due date.
Baby's Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
Used to be offered but is currently not available (as of June 2023).
Hospitals in North Berlin
(Reinickendorf - Pankow - Prenzlauer Berg - Weißensee)
Vivantes Humboldt-Klinikum (Reinickendorf)
Info session
In person: Every 1st Tuesday of the month at 17:00. Call to register (030 130 12 3510) and bring a negative rapid test result.
Online: Every Jeden 3rd Tuesday of the month at 17:00 on Instagram.
Call in week 30: 030-130 12 1851 or 030-130 12 3510.
Baby's Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
Yes. Monday through Friday, 8:00 to 11:30 (except for public holidays).
What Else to Know?
Certified "baby friendly" by WHO and UNICEF
Caritas-Klinik Maria Heimsuchung (Pankow)
Info session
Every Monday and Thursday (except for public holidays) at 18:00 at Kavalierhaus (no need to sign up in advance). Here’s also an information video (in German).
Register by phone when you have reached 28+0.
If that day falls on a weekend, call the Friday before. Do call on that day as spots for pre-registrations fill up quickly!
Call Monday through Friday between 12pm and 2pm: 030-47517/443.
Baby's Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
No. But the nurses will provide you with the right papers and pass them on to the Standesamt.
What Else to Know?
Suitable for high-risk pregnancies.
Certified "baby friendly" by WHO and UNICEF.
Helios Klinikum Berlin-Buch (Pankow)
Info session
Online: Every 1st Tuesday of the month at 17:30 via Instagram und Facebook.
Register between week 22 and 25 via phone (030 - 94 01-533 45) or use their contact form.
Baby's Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
No. But the nurses will provide you with the right papers and pass them on to the Standesamt.
What Else to Know?
Certified "baby friendly" by WHO and UNICEF.
Hospitals in East Berlin
(Lichtenberg - Hohenschönhausen - Marzahn - Hellersdorf)
Sana Klinikum Lichtenberg (Lichtenberg)
Info session
Every first Tuesday of the month at 18:00. Find upcoming dates. Here's also a video and brochure.
Register between weeks 30 and 32 by filling out the online form at the bottom of this page or by calling 030 5518-4127(Monday through Friday between 8:00 and 15:00).
The appointment will take place between weeks 34 and 36.
Baby's Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
What Else to Know?
Certified "baby friendly" by WHO and UNICEF
Vivantes Klinikum Kaulsdorf (Marzahn-Hellersdorf)
Info session
Online: Every 1st and 3rd Monday (excet public holidays) at 19:00 via Zoom.
Call from week 8 weeks before your due date (week 32) to schedule an appointment for pre-registration: 030-130 17 2171.
The appointment will take place from the 35th week of pregnancy.
Baby's Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
Yes. Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 11:30 (except public holidays).
What Else to Know?
Certified suitable for diabetics.
Berlin South-East
(Treptow, Köpenick, Neukölln)
DRK-Kliniken Köpenick (Köpenick)
Info session
In person: Regularly on Tuesdays and Thursday. Early online registration required!
Call around week 34 (030-3035 -3170) and you will be given an appointment to pre-register.
Baby's Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
What Else to Know?
Certified "baby friendly" by WHO and UNICEF.
Vivantes Klinikum Neukölln (Neukölln)
Info session
Online: Every 1st Tuesday of the month at 19:00 via Zoom.
Meeting-ID: 697 6775 9186, Pass code: 56X+TX.
You have to register and do so early if you want to give birth here.
Call as early as week 12 to receive your personal registration number and a date when to reconfirm.
Monday through Friday (10:00 – 15:00): 030 130 14 8339 (it's easiest to reach them later in the week and/or between 12:00 and 15:00).
Baby's Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
Used to be offered but is currently not available (as of June 2023).
Hospitals in Southwest Berlin
(Tempelhof - Schöneberg - Steglitz - Zehlendorf)
Vivantes Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum (Schöneberg)
Info session
Online: Every 1st Wednesday of the month at 16:30 on Instagram.
Register early (between weeks 14 and 20)!
Make an appointment online.
The registration will take place 4-6 weeks before your due date.
Baby's Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
St. Joseph Krankenhaus (Tempelhof)
Info session
Several times per month on Mondays at 18:00 (except public holidays). See upcoming sessions on their home page (left side under "Veranstaltungen").
You can also check out this hospital information brochure in English.
Register early. Make an appointment from week 13 by calling or via your smart phone.
If you have public insurance, call 030 7882-2546. If you are privately insured, call 030 7882-2236. Or send a text to the following number and you will receive a link with a form to fill in: 030 7882-5050.
See the numbers for each option as well as for for publicly and privately insured:
Baby's Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
Yes. Ask about opening hours.
What Else to Know?
Suitable for high-risk pregnancies.
Neo-natal unit (level 1).
Specialized in pregnancy diabetes.
Krankenhaus Waldfriede (Zehlendorf)
Info session
Every second Tuesday of the month at 18:00 at Kapelle (Großer Saal). See upcoming dates.
Call between week 32 and 34 to register: 030 -81 810-245.
Baby's Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
Yes. Ask about opening hours.
Hospitals in West Berlin
(Charlottenburg - Wilmersdorf - Spandau - Kladow)
Martin-Luther-Krankenhaus (Wilmersdorf)
Info session
Online and in-person:
Every two weeks, alternating on Mondays and Thursdays at 18:00.
In-person with registration to veranstaltung.martin-luther(at)
Or online via Instagram.
Register online by giving your due date or call: 030-89 55 33 35 (Monday through Friday 12:00-14:00)
The appointment will take place between weeks 32 and 35.
Baby's Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
What Else to Know?
Neo-natal unit (level 3).
DRK-Kliniken Westend (Charlottenburg)
Info session
In-person and online, on the last Thursday of the month at 18:00. See upcoming sessions on their home page (header "Veranstaltungen")
Register early, from week 12.
Call (030) 3035 - 4425 (Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 14:00).
Baby's Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
What Else to Know?
Suitable for high-risk pregnancies and multiples.
Neo-natal unit (level 1).
Certified "baby friendly" by WHO and UNICEF
Pregnancy diabetes.
Sankt Gertrauden Krankenhaus (Wilmersdorf)
Info session
In person: Every second last Wednesday of the month at 19:00 (except in December, where it is usually just the 2nd Wednesday of the month). No need to register in advance.
Call in early pregnancy (from week 12) to make an appointment: 030 8272 2917 (Monday through Friday, 8:00 to 13:00) or email [email protected].
The appointment will take place around week 30.
Baby's Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
Evangelisches Waldkrankenhaus Spandau (Spandau)
Info session
Every third Thursday in-person – register in advance as spots fill up quickly.
Every first Wednesday of the month at 18:30 on Instagram.
Register online for an appointment to take place in week 28-32. (Appointment availability seemed good but it's still good to not leave it too late.)
If there are no more appointments left online, call 030 3702 2202 (Monday thru Friday, 12:00-16:00).
If you are interested in giving birth in the midwife-led delivery room (see below), you will have an additional appointment with a midwife around week 36.
Baby's Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
What Else to Know?
Has a "Hebammenkreißsaal" since spring 2024 (a midwife led delivery room without medical interventions but the safety of a neo-natal unit (level 1) if needed)
Suitable for high-risk pregnancies and multiples.
Neo-natal unit (level 1).
Delivery of multiples.
Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe
Info session
Every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 19:00 (in-person).
Every first Wednesday of the month via Zoom. Meeting-ID: 941 5336 1419, Kenncode: 177214
You may also watch this pre-recorded video.
Register online once you heave reached the 12th week of pregnancy (11+0).
Please note that this hospital is very popular and slots go quickly, so try immediately once you reach 11+0!
The appointment would take place around 6 weeks before your due date.
If you can't get an appointment online, send an email with your details (due date, contact information) to get on the waitlist: [email protected].
If you are expecting twins, call 030-365 01-652 (Monday through Friday, 10:00–12:00) or email [email protected].
If Havelhöhe is your "backup" hospital for a home birth or birth at a birthing center, you do not need to pre-register. Do fill in this questionnaire and bring it. Your midwife will contact the hospital for you.
Baby's Birth registration on-site? (Standesamt)
What Else to Know?
Anthroposophical approach.
Natural birth.
External turning for breech presentation of the child
Vaginal birth of the child from breech presentation
Vaginal birth of twins
Certified "baby friendly" by WHO and UNICEF
(If you are expecting more than two babies, conceived via egg donation or have pregnancy diabetes that needs to be treated with insulin, you will be unable to give birth at this hospital.)