Spaß & Freizet
Internationale Babynamen für Familien in Deutschland
Die Suche nach dem perfekten Namen für euer Baby kann kompliziert sein! Wir erzählen euch, wie einige unser Kitzee-Familien den Namen ihres Babys ausgewählt haben.
Activities in English for Families in Düsseldorf
Looking for something to do with your child in Düsseldorf, but in English? Here’s a list of fun activities for kids of different ages – and parents as well.
30+ Kindercafés in Berlin
Learn what Berlin Kindercafés are and where you can find one near you in our up-to-date list. Plus cafés that have a play room or area.
Activities for English Speaking Families in Berlin
Peruse our list of activities for English speaking families with kids of all ages – from babies to teens.
Activities for Spanish Speaking Families in Berlin
Peruse our list of activities for Spanish speaking families in Berlin with kids of all ages – from babies to teens.
Resources for Expats & International Families in Germany
As an international family living in Germany or moving here, there’s so many things to learn about the system, the culture, the bureaucracy…! Here's some resources we recommend.
The Best Kindercafés in Düsseldorf
If you are looking for a child-friendly in Düsseldorf, check out our list of Kindercafés in the city.
Baby Must Haves: What You Really Need to Buy for Your Newborn
Don't waste money on baby stuff you don't need. We worked with doula Keatyn Jayne to craft the ultimate list of everything you really need to buy for your newborn.
What to Expect from a Montessori Learning Center
Expert Katelynn Johnson will tell us how a Montessori classroom is set up, how the children learn and how the teachers foster an environment of discovery.
Family Photography with Sara Redolfi
Learn how to capture, organize, and preserve your family memories.
The Joy of Simple Parenting: 5 Tips to Lighten the Load
As a parent, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by social pressure. Here are five tips from our expert Evelyne on how to simplify your family life.
40+ Berlin Playgrounds with Baby Swings You Have to Visit
This list provides information on over 30 playgrounds in Berlin that are equipped with a baby swing, ensuring you can easily find suitable locations for your infant's playtime.
How to Keep Your Baby Comfortable in Hot Weather
When the temperature climbs, keeping your baby comfortable and safe becomes a top priority. Here are Dr. Christine Krämer’s essential tips for helping your baby stay cool during hot weather.
Child-Friendly Cafés and Kindercafés in and around Cologne
Check out our overview of the most child-friendly cafés and Kindercafés in and around Cologne.
How to Choose The Right Stroller for Your Berlin Baby Adventure
Are you overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information, brands and models? Here's a guide on how to choose the right stroller for Berlin city dwellers.
Alles Zum Thema Baby-Tragen
Es gibt so viele verschiedene Informationen, Marken und Modelle zum Thema Babytragen, daher freuen wir uns, dass Dörte Hacker in diesem Artikel ihr Know-How zum Thema Babytragen und Tücher mit uns teilt.
What You DON’T Need to Buy for Your Newborn
No need to spend any more money than you already have to. We worked with doula Keatyn Jayne to craft the ultimate list of everything you DON'T need to buy for your newborn.
Flying Safely During Pregnancy
Are you planning another grip before your baby arrives? Here's what you need to know about air travel during pregnancy.