Integration von Kindern mit Behinderung
Naturwissenschaftliche Grunderfahrung
From the communication with the secretary to when my son finished his Eingewöhnung, we have been really happy with this Kita. The staff are professional and friendly. They raise issues openly and treat each child inidvidually. The building is large and bright with its own playground. There's also a shelter out front to keep our prams. They do lots of different activities each day and they take the kids outside lots too. The food is good (I tried it during the Eingewöhnung!). They also use an app/website called leandoo to communicate with the parents. We have to travel half an hour to get to Kita but it is worth it.
Finde heraus, wann du den Kita-Gutschein beantragen solltest und worauf du bei dem Umfang der Betreuung achten musst.
Was Du neben den Eckdaten noch in deine Kita-Bewerbung schreiben solltest um Deine Chancen auf einen Platz zu erhöhen – mit Beispielanschreiben.
Spoiler-Alarm: Es gibt keine Zauberformel, aber diese Tipps werden dir helfen, deine Kita-Liste zu erstellen.