Lauren Piper

Early Childhood Behavior Consultant



Über 👋

Hi! My name is Lauren Piper.

I am a mother and an early childhood educator with 20 years of experience in the education, childcare and party/children's classes field.

I created my consultancy "We Grow They Grow" in order to help families and educators support their children and make their connections deeper.

Consulting doesn't just apply for needing help as a last resort. It is a way to gain a better understanding of your child's behavior as well as your own parenting style.

My consulting consists of 1-hour long sessions supporting parents through any struggles or questions/concerns they may covering topics such as:

  • settling into a daycare/kita setting

  • hitting, biting, other aggressive behavior

  • sleep struggles

  • toilet learning

  • supporting intrinsic motivation,

  • and more.


Unsere Guides können ein Büro haben, Hausbesuche anbieten und/oder Dich an einem vereinbarten Ort treffen.

Wo Lauren Dich treffen kann:

  • All-Districts
  • Brandenburg

Angebote ❤️

Schau Dir die Dienstleistungen und/oder Pakete von Lauren an

I offer consultations with families for 1 hour at a time. A single session is €120.

With new families, I require at least 3 sessions. I offer this as a bundle of €300-360*.

Clients can also purchase larger bundles at discounted rates:

  • 6 sessions for €620-680*

  • 10 sessions for €900-960*

*Prices range from online (lowest rates) to in-person or at-home observations and depend on the exact distance and travel time.

Unterstützte Communities

Unsere Guides haben Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit verschiedenen Communities.

Qualifikationen 🏅

Unsere Guides geben ihre Qualifikationen und Zertifizierungen an, damit wir ihre fachliche Expertise überprüfen können.
  • Early childhood educator with 0-5 year-olds for 14 years.

  • Masters degree in Early Childhood Special education (2016).

  • Worked within the classroom, with children, supporting their needs.

  • Worked with parents from my classes to guide them through a slew of behaviors such as biting, toilet learning, aggression, refusing to get diaper changes, etc.

  • Consulting and working with parents and educators professionally since 2021.

Kontakt Lauren

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