Baby music spelled in letters and instruments around

Baby Music (3-10 months)

Datum: Thursday, 7 December
Beginn: 12:30
Ende: 13:30

Baby Music with Louise Watts is for babies aged from 3 months to approx. 9-10 months.

Introduce your little one to the delights of music-making, as you learn new songs and rhymes, and remember ones from your own childhood.

Sessions include singing songs and lullabies, action and movement songs, speech rhymes, physical development activities with movement and music, dancing, sensory exploration, sharing, and lots of fun.

At the end of this 40-45 minute session, there is 15-20 minutes of social time; free play for your baby and a chance to chat to other parents and caregivers.

Pre-registration required – email louise(at)

Tickets (as of October 2023):

  • A drop in class is €15 (€16 if paying via PayPal)

  • You can also pre pay for a block of classes: 5x for €65 and 10x for €125

  • Sibling or twin pricing:

    • Two participating siblings or twins are €24 (total) to drop in (€25 if paying via PayPal)

    • You can also pre-pay for a block of 5 or 10 sessions (for €115 or €220)

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