Kita Eingewöhnung
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Getting Ready for Kita – The Infamous Eingewöhnung
What is the Kita Eingewöhnung and how can you prepare for it?

Expert Tips: How to Make the Kita-Eingewöhnung Work
How families can successfully complete their Eingewöhnung at the daycare centre.

Getting Ready for Kita – What to Buy
What are all the things that your child will need when starting Kita? Learn about the basics.

How to Make Sure Your Child Adapts Well at a German Kita
As an international family in Germany, you may be wondering how your child(ren) will fare in the local daycare system. Here are the answers to the most common questions.

What Nobody Tells You about the First Kita Year
Are you prepared for what's coming at you in the first year or two of Kita? I wasn't so here's my advice for fellow parents!

Getting Ready for Kita in Berlin – Paperwork
You're almost there but of course (this is Germany, after all!) there's a couple of bureaucratic hurdles to clear before your child can start Kita in Berlin.