Happy 6-month birthday to your baby! And a big pat on the back for the parents, too! ❤️

Perhaps you're now starting to get some feedback from the Kitas you've applied to. Wondering what questions to ask at a Kita visit? We got you covered!

We also some Kita tips and tricks from Kietzee super user, Mel.

If you need alternative childcare in the meantime, we have some suggestions for you, too.

And finally, let's talk about some those doubts and intrusive thoughts most of us encounter but don't often talk about. If you've ever wondered if you're good enough, know that you are not alone. Scary and intrusive thoughts are quite common and we dig into the theory behind it as well as some practical tips.

💭 Discuss everything that's on your mind with your fellow new parents in the Kietzee community.

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