Lena Eleser

Pregnancy Organization & Birth Preparation, Social Work



Über 👋

Hi, my name is Lena from MamabeReal.

I'm a specialist for Empowered Pregnancy, Birth & Motherhood and I want to fill the support gap for English-speaking expectant parents in Germany who may feel overwhelmed.

I'm a mum and myself in a binational marriage. I experienced the struggles of expat parents from abroad and how draining it can be to run after bits of information on really important matters. I still remember the fears of deadlines, missing out and being disadvantaged myself.

I am a transnational social worker, with over 10 years of experience in supporting mothers and children from all over the world.

I love what I do and I can't wait to share my expertise with you!


Unsere Guides können ein Büro haben, Hausbesuche anbieten und/oder Dich an einem vereinbarten Ort treffen.

Wo Lena Dich treffen kann:

  • Frankfurt-Main
  • Other-Cities

Büro-Addresse: MyVlow, Hedderichstr. 36, Frankfurt, 60594

Angebote ❤️

Schau Dir die Dienstleistungen und/oder Pakete von Lena an

My current offers are as follows:

1. Psychosocial Counseling (Online: €50 per hour; at MyVlow Office FFM: €70 per hour)

This can cover the following topics and more:

  • Counseling and support during pregnancy

  • General life counseling

    • Partnership (however no couples' counseling)

    • Changes

  • Chronically ill & pregnant

    • Connecting you with the right resources and support (e.g., maternal care)

    • Applications and paperwork

  • Addressing fears and uncertainties

  • Practical tips for self-determined motherhood

  • Support with emotional and social challenges

    • "Am I a good mother?"

    • "My child is driving me crazy, but I wanted this."

2. Individual coaching during pregnancy

I also offer different types of consultations for expecting people and couples.

Navigate Pregnancy in Germany with Ease (3 hours for 170 Euro)
  • Fully leverage financial resources (Elterngeld, Kindergeld, Kinderzuschuss and more)

  • Maximize the use of health care benefits for baby and you (health insurance coverage and bonus programs)

  • Contribute to a safe and positive birth in the German hospital system (what to expect from your hospital stay)

Individual Mental Birth Prep (4 hours - for 197 Euro instead of 240 Euro, every additional hour 60 Euro)
  • Understanding the Birth Experience

  • Preparing for Labor and Delivery in a German Hospital

  • Building Mental Resilience

  • Breathing and Relaxation Techniques

  • Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

  • Partner Support and Communication

  • Creating a Birth Plan and Flexibility

  • Visualizations and Positive Affirmations

  • Postpartum Mental Health Preparation

  • Navigating Unexpected Situations

  • Effective Communication with your Birth Team

For every booked birth prep, a mama in need gets one hour birth prep for free.

Baby's First Year Consultation (3 hours - for 150 Euro instead of 175 Euro)
  • Newborn Care

  • Infant Nutrition including Breastfeeding Preparation

  • Self-Care

  • Baby's First Year Milestone Overview

  • Practical Tips for New Parents

  • Tips on Community and Support

Birth and Postpartum Preparation for (Expecting) Fathers – 150 Euro for 2.5 hours
  • Providing the Best Possible Support for Your Partner

  • Guiding Body Awareness & Relaxation Techniques

  • Understanding the Mother’s Needs During the Postpartum Period

  • Supporting Breastfeeding and Bottle-Feeding

  • Handling Communication Within the Healthcare System

  • Building Confidence in Fatherhood

  • Personalized Guide Tailored to the Family’s Unique Situation

  • Logistical Planning

  • Practical Everyday Tips

  • EXTRA: Infant Care Basics

Qualifikationen 🏅

Unsere Guides geben ihre Qualifikationen und Zertifizierungen an, damit wir ihre fachliche Expertise überprüfen können.

I'm a transnational Social Worker B.Sc. and a social assistant by training with more than 10 years experience.

As a social assistant I am trained in new born care. I worked with new borns and babies with disability in childrens' homes and for private families and Kitas.

I also have a kids coaching degree, many years practical experience coaching parents. I am a womens' rights specialist and hold a Masters Degree in Governnace and Human Rights.

As I non-medical professional, I offer mental and informational childbirth education, which contains hypnobirthing and mediation but is not limited to it. In fact, I have developed my own evidence-based concept that addresses the criticism of Hypnobirthing, making it more realistic and less spiritual while still incorporating its benefits.

Kontakt Lena

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