Jennifer Delaby




Über 👋

Hello, I am Jennifer.

Treating the cause and not just the symptoms offers some relief to the body and mind and helps to avoid medication in many cases.

With this firm belief in mind (and heart), I started my journey as a Doctor of Chiropractic.

Supporting women on the journey of pregnancy, as well as their babies from an early age and watching them grow, has been a very rewarding part of my profession so far.

My goal is to give you autonomy by providing the necessary tools to help you understand your body language and become more confident in your overall health, so you can enjoy an optimal quality of life.


Unsere Guides können ein Büro haben, Hausbesuche anbieten und/oder Dich an einem vereinbarten Ort treffen.

Wo Jennifer Dich treffen kann:

  • All-Districts
  • Brandenburg

Büro-Addresse: Glatzerstr. 6A, 10247 Berlin

Angebote ❤️

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I offer chiropractic sessions for pregnant women, new mothers, babies and kids.

  • First sessions cost €110 (40 minutes) and follow-up sessions are €75 (20 minutes). For Babies the rates are €80 / €65.

Pregnant women

Pregnant women who consult during pregnancy most often consult for:

  • Birth preparation

  • Lumbago

  • Sciatica

  • Pubic symphysis pain

  • Intercostal pain

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease

  • Feeling of gravity in the perineum / pelvis

  • Sacro-iliac syndrome

  • Nausea

  • Migraine

  • Insomnia

  • Fetus in breech position

  • Other joint pains (shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles, feet, spine)

  • Carpal tunnel

  • Meralgia parenthetic

  • Coccyx pain

  • Preventive follow-up of pregnancy


New parents often consult for:

  • Breastfeeding: chiropractic adjustments for new borns safely address the craniocervical dysfunction and help restore natural and efficient suckling patterns

  • Prevention and treatment

  • Plagiocephaly (deformation of the skull, or asymmetry of the face)

  • Torticollis

  • Colics

  • Otitis

  • Breast latch disorder

  • Constipation

  • Unexplained crying

  • KISS syndrome, Banana (C posture) or extension posture

  • Sleep problems


Parents mainly bring their child to a chiropractic session for the following reasons:

  • Feet that rotate inwards or outwards

  • Growth pains in the lower limb

  • Scoliosis

  • Posture problems

  • Back pain

  • Headaches

Women experiencing infertility

  • Mechanical challenges / uterus alignment

  • Stress

Unterstützte Communities

Unsere Guides haben Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit verschiedenen Communities.


Viele der Leistungen unserer Guides werden von der Versicherung übernommen. Bitte erkundige Dich bei Deiner Versicherung, ob sie die jeweilige Leistung übernehmen.

Chiropractic is not covered by normal insurances.

Our billing adheres to the Fee Schedule for Heilpraktiker (GeBüH).

Some private insurances covers the costs.

Additionally, some health insurance may recognize our treatments as osteopathy services.

Qualifikationen 🏅

Unsere Guides geben ihre Qualifikationen und Zertifizierungen an, damit wir ihre fachliche Expertise überprüfen können.

I graduated from the Institut Franco-Européen de Chiropratique (IFEC, Paris) in 2016. My title is Doctor of Chiropractic.

I am also a Heilpraktiker für Chiropraktik here in Germany.

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