Kendy Gable

Holistic Vocal Coach & Doula



Über 👋

Hi! My name is Kendy Gable.

I am a certified Doula and holistic vocal coach.

The workshops and individual sessions that I teach are from my own experience of two singing births, my deep connection to my voice, my experience in teaching Prenatal Singing, my doula work and continued research.

It is an honor to work with those in pregnancy in giving them the space to find solace, rest and ease while deeply connecting to their voice, their inner world, their body, and their baby.

The breath and vocalizations that I teach are supportive and empowering. Honor your pregnancy, empower your birth and find solace in postpartum through singing.

I look forward to working with you!


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Wo Kendy Dich treffen kann:

  • Mitte
  • Pankow

Angebote ❤️

Schau Dir die Dienstleistungen und/oder Pakete von Kendy an

Pregnancy Coaching: 4 sessions for €240 (sliding scale rates available)

  • Online or in-person

  • Help answer your questions and find the right options for you

  • Provide you with tools for pregnancy, birth and beyond

    • Singing

    • Breath work

    • Resources

  • Honoring this special period in your life and providing perspective

  • Email support

Birth Empowerment Through Prenatal Singing (Individual and Partner Sessions): €75 per 1 hour session.

Partner prenatal singing sessions provide the space and tools to strengthen your connection as a couple and to your baby. Vocalizations to build trust and confidence with one another are interwoven with traditional prenatal singing birth preparation, meditation and healing songs.

What you will learn:

  • Breathing techniques for relaxation and deep connection that will serve you during pregnancy, birth, postpartum and beyond…

  • Vocal Exercises that allow you to deeply connect with yourself and your baby.

  • Vocal Techniques to guide you during birth and the postpartum period.

  • Lullabies, sacred songs, and mantras to sing during pregnancy and motherhood.

  • Exercises for tension release throughout the face and body. Allowing yourself to open up to the magnificent journey that you are embarking upon and to utilize during birth.

  • Meditation, Yoga Nidra and grounding exercises to balance, relax and deeply connect with the beautiful power inside of yourself.

Birth Trauma Release Sessions: €80 euros for 75 minute session (sliding scale available)

Release tension, trauma and worries through vocal sessions. During the sessions I may use the following techniques to hep you ground yourself:

  • Yoga nidra

  • Breath work

  • Meditation and meditative vocalization

  • Humming and/or signing

  • Tell your story and honor it

Unterstützte Communities

Unsere Guides haben Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit verschiedenen Communities.

Qualifikationen 🏅

Unsere Guides geben ihre Qualifikationen und Zertifizierungen an, damit wir ihre fachliche Expertise überprüfen können.
  • Paramandoula Doula Certification

  • Academy of Sacred Music Classical Vocal Study (9 years)

  • Berklee College of Music Music Therapy Course

  • Cornell University B.S. Communication with a concentration in Theatre Arts

  • University of Melbourne Graduate Diploma in Creative Writing

Kontakt Kendy

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