Prenatal Singing Course

(4 Dates)

Date: Monday, 3 June
Beginn: 19:15
Ende: 20:30
Ort: Hebammen Mittendrin
Address: Esmarchstraße 20, 10407 Berlin

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Join this 4-week prenatal singing course by Kendy Gable (founder of Open Voice Berlin).

In this course you learn how to use your voice in a calm, grounded and meditative manner to connect deeply to yourself and to your baby.

You learn valuable toning and breathing methods that help to manage contractions and support a natural birth.

When you sing you reduce anxiety and alleviate stress, singing is transportive and empowering. You learn to trust your breath and your voice.

We sing ancient indigenous healing songs, mantras & lullabies.

This is also a great opportunity to connect with other pregnant women!

This course takes place on June 3, 10, 17 & 24.

Sign up by 3 June.

€84 for the full course (or you can also purchase individual sessions)

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