Prenatal Yoga Präventionskurs

Date: Thursday, 16 May - 4 July
Beginn: 16:30
Ende: 17:30

Doula Marta Palombo is offering another 8-week prenatal yoga course for pregnant.

This fluid and grounding practice will be based on the Pranayoga Method®'s hatha yoga and adapted for pregnancy, with Spinning Babies® principles. You will move body and breath with a focus on:

*grounding and stability in times of change

*lateral opening and making space in our bodies

*strengthening and making new positions comfortable

*allowing ourselves to open and let go


1. Introduction(s) - Oxytocin

2. I am safe and worthy in my changing body - Pelvic floor

3. I feel and allow feelings to flow through me - Pelvic girdle

4. I do act and allow myself to rest - Making space in the body

5. I love, accept myself and allow support - Body in pregnancy and birth

6. I communicate, my voice is important - Making sounds

7. I see and trust my intuition and wisdom - Hypno-breath

8. I am connected, present, and I have faith - Feminine power

The class fee is €129, which can be reimbursed by public health insurance.

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