babies crawling

Kietzee New Parents Meetup with Babies

Datum: Sunday, 29 October
Beginn: 10:00
Ende: 12:30

Calling all Kietzee members with babies 0-12 months old!

We'll meet for coffee and pastries at a family-friendly café in Friedrichshain. There's an area for the little ones to explore if they are mobile, and for the parents to relax ☕️

Let's catch up about the latest milestones and parenting stories 😅 If you're coming for the first time, don't worry, this is a very friendly group 🤗

Please RSVP so we know how many families to reserve for!

See you soon 👋

Lisa, your host

Please note that photographs and footage may be taken throughout this event. These will be used by Kietzee for marketing and publicity in our publications, on our website and in social media or in any third party publication. We will of course protect the privacy of children. Should you not want to be photographed, please let us know beforehand (email to [email protected]) or at the event.

Während der Veranstaltung werden ggf. Fotos/Filmaufnahmen für Marketing und PR-Zwecke gemacht. Wenn Ihr lieber nicht fotografiert werden möchten, informiert uns bitte im Voraus unter [email protected] oder während der Veranstaltung