Kietzee Meetup

Lunch & Learn: Baby Paperwork (Elterngeld & Co)

Date: Thursday, 19 September
Beginn: 12:30
Ende: 13:30
Ort: Online
Link: Mitglieder melden sich für Details an.

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Kietzee members are invited to our next "Lunch & Learn" webinar for new and expecting parents! Join us as we dive into one hour of baby paperwork with expert Elodie from Baby in Berlin.

Elodie has been helping thousands of international families all over Germany since 2017 with their Elterngeld & Kindergeld applications and all the bureaucracy that comes with having a baby in Germany.

Free for Kietzee members (new and expecting parents) 🤗

Not a Kietzee member? Start your free trial or purchase a one-off webinar ticket for €12.

On the call, Elodie will give us a quick overview of the legal framework around maternity and parental leave as well as the associated benefits. She will then take your burning questions.

Please bear in mind this is a group call so even though Elodie will do her best at answering your questions, she cannot dive into every single individual situation in detail.

But fear not, if you have leftover questions after the call or need further assistance, you can enroll Elodie's help in the form of her individual consultations and all-inclusive application services. Kietzee members also get an exclusive discount!

Please sign-up in advance and see you there!

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