Young children singing in front of a black board with music notes

Junior Choir (4-6 years)

Datum: Wednesday, 8 November
Beginn: 16:15
Ende: 17:55

If your child speaks English, loves to sing, or move and dance to music, perform and create, then the Berlin Children’s Choir is for you!

The Junior Choir is for kids aged 5½-8. We meet for 40 minutes each week to sing and learn.

You will be singing lots of songs, moving and dancing. Musical concepts are introduced through games, play and use of all the senses. Children are encouraged to be creative and imaginative; to enjoy learning and love music.

You will also start to sing a variety of repertoire, as well as learn and practise musical theory. Some vocal and aural training are also part of the sessions. Learning through play is a constant theme.

Fees (as of October 2023):

  • €30 per month

  • Email Louise for a trial session: louise(at)

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