Online Elterngeld/Elternzeit Workshop (Partner Event)

Date: Monday, 27 November
Beginn: 20:00
Ende: 21:15

Looking for tips and tricks so you can plan and apply for your Elterngeld and Elternzeit?

Sign up for our online webinar and let our Elterngeld & Elternzeit expert Elodie give you an overview of all the essential things you need to know about Elterngeld and Elternzeit.

Elodie is the founder of Baby in Berlin, Germany’s first international maternity concierge.

This workshop is best suited for expecting parents up to month 7 of pregnancy, but all expecting and new parents who are looking for information around this topic are welcome!

The earlier you attend such a webinar, the more options you will have down the line.

What You Will Learn

For the first part of the online webinar, our Elterngeld & Elternzeit expert Elodie will give us an overview of all the important things you will need to know about Elterngeld and Elternzeit.

These will include:

  • What is the difference between Elterngeld and Elternzeit?

  • How do they each work?

  • When and how can you apply?

  • Plus other considerations, such as your maternity leave and maternity allowance, your return to work, Kita search, finances and sharing care work.

Then, for the second part of the webinar, she will answer your specific questions, so you will come out of the session feeling knowledgeable about your options.

How the Webinar Will Work

  • 75-minute webinar

  • 5-6 families total

  • Part presentation, part Q&A

  • 50€ per family

Attendees of the workshop will be offered a discretionary discount to be used on individual services they might want to book with Elodie after the group workshop.

Diese Veranstaltung wird von einer externen Partei organisiert. Daher übernimmt Kietzee keine Verantwortung für den Inhalt, die Verfügbarkeit oder die Preisgestaltung der Veranstaltung oder deren Durchführung.