This engaging drama class combines storytelling, role-play, and creative movement to foster confidence, teamwork, and self-expression. Designed for English-speaking and bilingual children in Berlin, it supports personal growth and social skills while enhancing English language development.
Through acting games, character exploration, and interactive play, kids expand their English vocabulary and fluency in a fun, nurturing environment. Perfect for expat and bilingual families, this extra-curricular English-language class empowers children to express themselves, solve problems creatively, and develop emotionally and socially.
Join this exciting after-school English immersion program for kids who are ready to learn, play, and grow through drama and imagination!
This is a class from The Center at their new Friedrichshain location.
Book a trial class for 12€
Good news! Kietzee members get a 50% discount – €6 instead of €12. Get the discount code.