Child Safety for Babies & Toddlers

Online Workshop

Date: Tuesday, 25 March
Beginn: 18:30
Ende: 21:00

Child safety is essential. Babies and toddlers are said to be the highest risk group of serious accidents. Learn to avoid these risks in this 2-hour workshop.

In Germany, approx. 80% of all accidents with toddlers under 2 years happen at home. Experts estimate that parents could easily avoid up to 60% of these accidents being more informed and sensitized. Kira from Gravidamiga and Daniela from mykidsSAFE have established a 2 hour webinar via ZOOM, which will help you to:

  • improve your knowledge about child safety and get sensitized,

  • effectively prevent dangerous situations,

  • evaluate potential health risks and security needs (e.g. with older siblings), and

  • mindfully teach the toddler some risk skills while playing.

  • detect serious child safety risks and see even hidden safety hazards

Mostly, ACCIDENTS ARE NOT COINCIDENCES and Child Safety starts long before First-Aid!

In particular, with our unique concept, you will get detailed information about these exciting topics:

  • awareness of health risks & relevant infantile development 0-5 years

  • age-appropriate supervision, role & responsibility of parents

  • risk competence for adults and toddlers in daily life (and why it is not just education)

  • important facts

  • typical unintentional injuries (e.g. falls, head & thermal injuries, intoxication, choking, suffocation)

  • highest risk areas & hidden risks

  • effective strategies, useful ideas & solutions.

  • PLUS an extensive Hand-out for your reference and we will also provide you with some tips for a home pharmacy.

Of course there is time for questions at the end or in between the seminar topics.

€39 per person.

Good news! Kietzee members save 10% on this live workshop.

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