Kietzee Online Session

Ask Me Anything

Date: Wednesday, 21 August
Beginn: 12:00
Ende: 13:00

Do you have questions about something related to having a baby in Berlin?

Kietzee founder Lisa will be available for an hour to answer all your burning questions.

Here are some of the topics you can ask her about:

  • Midwife search

  • Hospital registration for birth

  • Where to give birth

  • Doulas

  • Basic paperwork questions (Elterngeld, Kindergeld)

  • Kita search

If she doesn't have the answer right away, she'll reach out to one of our expert Guides to get the information for you afterwards :)

You can just drop in or submit your question(s) in advance via the below form.

Free for Kietzee members or a free trial.

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