Your Journey


  • Happy couple with positive pregnancy test

    Month 1

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    Congratulations! You just found out you're having a baby – in Germany! 😍 So let's dive into how everything works here: Learn about the medical system, who will support you, where you can give birth, what tests and vaccinations are recommended, and more!

  • Midwife and pregnant person

    Month 2

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    How are you feeling right now? If the answer is "not so great", you're not alone—4 out of 5 women experience some form of morning sickness ❤️ This month, we’ll share tips for feeling better, info on choosing your care provider and birth options, prenatal diagnostics in Germany, and when to tell your employer.

  • Month 3

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    Can you believe you're already in the last month of your first trimester? 🥳 This month, you'll have your first of 3 big ultrasound appointments 👶📺. Not happy with your gynaecologist? Learn about what it takes to switch during pregnancy. We'll also talk about pregnancy benefits such as health classes and Mutterschutz.

  • Expecting couple with ultrasound image

    Month 4

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    If you've not been feeling well, hopefully you're starting to feel better now! Maybe you're planning one last trip before the baby arrives—your babymoon! We’ve got tips for flying during pregnancy, advice on maternity wear, and info on birth preparation courses and pre-registering at the hospital. Don’t forget to start gathering the documents for your baby’s birth certificate, as it can take longer than expected!

  • Month 5

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    As you're approaching the half-way point 🎉, we have some lighter topics on deck this month about how to raise multilingual children and working with a doula. Also: community stories about how families chose their baby names 💜 infos for your second ultrasound and the "Feindiagnostik."

  • Month 6

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    At the end of your second trimester, your nesting instincts might start kicking in and you may be wondering about things to buy. We also have a list of what not to buy! Also, learn about what causes pregnancy diabetes and the test you will be offered soon. And what to do any small and big niggles, aches and pains that you may be experiencing now. Finally, the latest research on "pregnancy brain".

  • Month 7

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    Congrats, you're in your third trimester! Now, it's time for some paperwork related to dos (Elterngeld, Elternzeit and Mutterschaftsgeld). Plus, learn how to still enjoy food even if you've been diagnosed with pregnancy diabetes. We'll also introduce the concept of a birth plan for you to decide if you'd like to write one. And a crash course on the pelvic floor.

  • Mothers and babies exercising

    Month 8

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    This month, you can get ready for your third ultrasound 👶. Wondering about your health insurance and your baby’s during parental leave? It’s a bit complicated, but we’ll walk you through the most common scenarios. Also, consider booking your postnatal recovery course (often covered by insurance) and a prenatal breastfeeding class, plus learn about cloth diapers versus disposable ones.

  • Newborn clothes

    Month 9

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    You're officially in month 9 now but there's still a little ways to go! For employees, it's only a couple of weeks until the Mutterschutz (yay!). Time to plan for the delivery, the fourth trimester as well as finding a Kita and pediatrician.

  • New family with infant

    Month 10

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    As your due date approaches, learn about logistics on the day and how to advocate for yourself at birth. We also have tips for your Kindergeld applications and words of wisdom for expecting parents from a seasoned pediatrician and mom-of-two.

Baby is Here! 🎉

Year One With Baby

  • New baby feet in parents' hands

    Month 1

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    Congratulations, your baby is finally here! As you're settling in as a new family, here are some helpful tips from our articles.

  • Month 2

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    Can you believe your baby is already a month old? 🤩 Hopefully you are settling in as a new family and are finding your rhythm – until it changes again, of course ;) Feeling a mix of emotions as a new parent is natural, but if you’re questioning whether it’s more than the baby blues, this article is for you. We’ll also cover baby sleep, Elterngeld applications (due within three months of birth), and support for pelvic floor and diastasis recti challenges.

  • Father with infant

    Month 3

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    This is the final month of the "fourth trimester," and your baby is already two months old! Perhaps you are getting ready to venture out with your baby, and we have a list of Kindercafés for you. Plus, some more Kita content.

  • Baby music

    Month 4

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    As you've passed the 12-week mark, perhaps you can feel things settling down for both mom and the baby. Learn about different baby classes, hiring a babysitter and the Kita application process.

  • child in a diaper sitting in a high chair with a spoon in their mouth

    Month 5

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    If you are planning on sending your child to Kita around their first birthday, now is a good time to work on a couple more Kita-related to-dos. We'll also tell you everything you need to know about introducing solids to your baby 😋

  • Mother, father and baby

    Month 6

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    Perhaps you're now starting to get some feedback from the Kitas you've applied to. Here are two articles on visiting a Kita and tips and tricks from Kietzee super user, Mel. If you need alternative childcare in the meantime, we have some suggestions for you, too.

  • Month 7

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    If you are planning your return to work, we have articles for you on the legal and emotional perspective. Plus: the insights on "mommy brain".

  • Month 8

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    Featuring two ways to connect – with Black Dads Germany and a Montessori Early Learning Center.

  • Couple feeling confused

    Month 9

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    Learn how to choose between different Kitas and how to make sure that your international child will settle in well at a German Kita.

  • Pumped milk in container and baby bottle

    Month 10

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    As your child approaches their first birthday, you may be thinking about winding down your breast- or bottle feeding journey. Or maybe you are on a different timeline and that's ok, too! You do you. ❤️

  • Kita kids

    Month 11

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    If your Kita start awaits, learn what to expect from the Eingewöhnung and what items to buy for Kita.

  • Happy family in the park

    Month 12

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    Your child is starting Kita? Learn what to expect from the first year and how to lighten the load as your family makes the transition into a new phase.

Happy Birthday 🎂

You made it!

Your Second Year

Happy Birthday 🎂

Watch this space. The journey will continue 😀