How to have a baby in Germany - Workshop

Your “other” birth preparation workshop!

Date: Tuesday, 24 September
Start: 19:00
End: 20:00

Are you expecting a baby soon and confused about everything you need to take care of in Germany?

In this one hour session, all your burning questions will be answered by Gitanjali, founder of The Confused Mother, along with the necessary information about everything you need to take care of. Don’t miss this chance to get all the necessary information, meet other parents and ask your questions!

This workshop is designed to equip you with the essential information and paperwork about having a baby in Germany. Here’s what you’ll gain:

All about pregnancy: Appointments, insurance, checkups and so on

Elternzeit and Elterngeld: I will share information about how to divide your parental leave and what Elterngeld is. I will also share information on the latest updates to Elterngeld.

Kindergeld: What is it? How much do you get? How do you apply for it?

Networking: You can connect with the other parents in the group and maybe make some pregnancy friends!

Questions: At the end, we will have some time to answer any additional questions you might have.

So what are you waiting for? Save your spot via the link below.

Recurring event:

  • August 27 from 7-8pm

  • September from 24 7-8pm

  • October 15 from 7-8pm

  • November 26 from 7-8pm

Choose the date that is convenient for you!

€12 per ticket.

This event is organized by a third party. Therefore Kietzee does not accept any responsibility for the content, availability or pricing of the event or its taking place.