Kietzee Lunch & Learn

Emotional Balance & Parenting

Date: Thursday, 26 September
Start: 12:00
End: 13:00
Location: Online
Link: Members login for details

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Join this Kietzee "Lunch & Learn" webinar as we dive into the connection between sensory wellness, emotional balance and parenting with educator Shaenelle Murray.

Ever wonder why your child doesn’t listen or why you snap suddenly?

It’s not just your parenting—it’s how the brain processes internal signals!

This webinar reveals how your nervous system's response to sensory input shapes both your behavior and your child's.

Learn how understanding these internal signals can help you better manage emotions, improve communication, and create a calmer, more connected family environment.

This webinar will be part presentation, part Q&A so you can get all your questions answered.

Start your free Kietzee membership trial today to join the webinar and get access all of our articles, events and our supportive online community. Or purchase a one-off webinar ticket for €12.

(The event is free for existing Kietzee members)

Photos/footage may be taken during the event for marketing and PR. If you prefer not to be photographed, please notify us in advance at [email protected] or during the event