Kietzee Checklist for Your Kita Search in Berlin

By Lisa H

Last updated on 19 August 2024

As a parent, the Kita search process can be hard to navigate. So we've put together a checklist which starts at research and ends with you finding the perfect Kita for your child!

Before your child is born

1. Research Kitas & Learn the System

Not sure which Kitas to add to your list? Read our article on What Kita is Right for You.

How many Kitas should you apply to? That depends on your criteria, the age of your child and the neighborhood you live in but expect to apply to at least 15. Learn more.

📌 Tip 1: Find out about any new Kitas opening 📌 Tip 2: Find out if there are regular open houses and drop them in your calendar

After your child is born

2. Contact Kitas

📌 Tip: Try to apply as early as possible but note that most Kitas won't allow you to apply while still pregnant

📌 Tip: Observe Kitas in your neighborhood (such as at local playgrounds) to see if you like their approach – maybe you'll even become friendly with them!

3. Apply for the Kita voucher
  • You can do so max. 9 months and min. 2 months before your desired start date

  • Fill in the application form online, then print the PDF

  • Assemble your work-related documentation

  • Post everything to your local Jugendamt

Here's our detailed article on How and When to Apply for the Kita Voucher.

📌 Tip: If you want to speed up the process, drop your application off in person or make an appointment and bring all your documentation with you.

4. Follow-up with Kitas
  • Pick your top choices based on location, concept, opening hours

  • Email or call to find out about any open house events and when spots will be allocated

  • Be patient, often times Kita spots open quite last-minute as most parents are on multiple waitlists and may release spots nearer the time

Here's a detailed resource on "How and When to Do Your Follow-Ups."