Introducing Black Dads Germany

By Peter Kamya

Last updated on 20 August 2024

As a father (to-be) it can be challenging to settle into your new role. As a minority parent, it can be even harder to feel connected and empowered. 

That’s why it’s so fantastic that organisations like Black Dads Germany offer a powerful way to connect, empower and celebrate Black Dads of Color.

Today, we’re speaking with Peter Kamya, who co-founded Black Dads Germany. He is also the founder (with his wife May) of Kidsimply, an online family store selling quality products that are made sustainably and promote diversity and inclusion.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, how long have you been in Germany and what has your road to fatherhood been like?

I was born in Uganda but was raised in London where I lived for over 25 years. I relocated to Berlin, Germany over 5 years ago. Fatherhood for me has been a beautiful blessing that has given a meaning and purpose to my life. The journey has been a rollercoaster but also a learning curve. Having grown up without a father in my life, the life decisions I have made and continue to make since becoming a father have always been centred around the happiness of my daughter. 

How does Black Dads Germany work? What formats do you offer for black dads in Germany to get involved?


As BDoCs (Black Dads of Color) in Germany, we feel the burden of being a minority group every day. From the playground to the subway to work – external perceptions of Black people and fathers in non-black societies in particular lead to various kinds of racism and discrimination. 

With Black Dads Germany we not only face these problems but also prove that as a BDoC community and as Blacktivist dads we can change the narrative and perception of BPoC in Germany.

We are here to connect and foster new relationships with Black Dads of Color. We want to build and nurture new friendships, develop and grow together as Black Fathers thereby becoming a stronger pillar in our communities. "We want to empower Black fathers, mothers and children, as well as the Black community who may feel marginalised or ostracised from society."

"Using the relationships we have, we are breaking down boundaries and stereotypes along the way to celebrate who we are, to be proud of who we are and to know who we are. We are sowing the seeds to give our children the start in life that they deserve." We are here for our children to make their lives as fun and enjoyable as possible.

What was the reason for you to start Black Dads Germany? What were the problems you were looking to solve?

Being a minority living in Germany is extremely challenging, a black father’s experience (as that of many other people of colour) is often one we have to deal with alone. "As Black fathers, we are subjected to various stereotypes, which are rooted in racism and perpetuated negative narratives." One common stereotype is the absent father, suggesting that we as black fathers are disengaged, irresponsible, or not involved in our children’s lives. The Black Dads Germany initiative not only meets these challenges. We are committed to making the image of Black fathers more positive. Together, creating safe spaces for black fathers and their families.

Whether on the playground, in the subway or at work. "Since it was founded in 2020 by Alain Missala, we have proven that, as a community of black fathers, we can positively change the perception of black people overall, overcome borders and prejudices and, above all, celebrate black fatherhood in Germany. "

Our efforts do not only focus on Black fathers in Germany, but also on our families, partners and children. We see ourselves as inclusive, LGBQT-friendly and expressly position ourselves against any form of sexism, hostility towards the disabled, age discrimination, homophobia, transphobia and body shaming. 

What are some of the projects you have created so far as a way for your community to come together and thrive?

Our Black Dads Germany projects include:

  • BLACK DADS READERS, our reading club for BIPoC children or children who have experienced discrimination and racism, and their parents or caregivers and families.

  • The BLACK KIDS PLAYDATES, which have so far provided empowering playground meetings for black children and their parents and caregivers in major German cities such as Cologne, Frankfurt/Main, Munich and Nuremberg. 

  • The BLACK DADS PODCAST, the BLACK DADS HEALING CIRCLES, and above all the BLACK DADS LISTENING create safer spaces for Black fathers to share their exciting and powerful life stories.  

In addition, there are various communication concepts on our social media channels that deal with the topics of art and culture (BLACK DADS ART TIP), empowerment (THE REASON WHY WE ARE HERE), and literature (DO YOU READ ME?). 

What has been the feedback from the community? What do your members like the most about the organisation?

The concept and initiatives of Black Dads Germany has received very positive feedback from the community. 

Black fathers in Germany have been very appreciative of such a platform that has helped them to connect and foster new relationships with other Black Dads of Color. To build and nurture new friendships. "And to develop and grow together as Black fathers in turn becoming a stronger pillar for our communities."

Anything else you would like to share? 

I wanted to share our latest project, "WE IN PROGRESS," which is an audio-visual art project by the BLACK DADS GERMANY initiative in collaboration with Black in Berlin. 

Intended as a pure monologue concept, it breaks with the fast-moving, impulsive and often hate-speech-ridden, unbridled world of discussion on the internet. 

The work focuses on the autobiographical life stories of black fathers in a majority white society in Germany. Archived as time capsules, we enable future generations to gain an insight into the lives of Black fathers. Supported by the moving portrait photography of YERO ADUGNA ETICHA in the tradition of Malick Sidibé, we create a realistic, tangible and empathy-promoting space full of (life) stories.

"The project "WE IN PROGRESS" explores (these life) stories of all the Black fathers who are not being heard. Some Black fathers have been living in Germany for decades or were born, raised and socialised here. Their lives have not been sufficiently documented so far - neither in films, nor in plays or books."

Thank you, Peter!

You can get in touch with Black Dads Germany on Facebook, Instagram or their website: