How to Keep Your Baby Comfortable in Hot Weather


Last updated on 20 August 2024

When the temperature climbs, keeping your baby comfortable and safe becomes a top priority. Babies are particularly vulnerable to heat because they haven't yet developed the ability to regulate their body temperature efficiently. 

Here are Dr. Christine Krämer’s essential tips for helping your baby stay cool during hot weather. Dr. Christine is co-founder of Gravidamiga and a gynecologist specialized in all medical topics around pregnancy and birth.

Avoiding Sun Exposure:

Babies under one year should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Not only is the direct sun intensely hot, but their delicate skin is also insufficiently protected against UV rays.

  • Keep newborns inside during peak heat hours, as they are not yet able to regulate their body temperature.

  • Schedule outdoor activities for early morning or late afternoon when it’s cooler.

Learn more about sun safety in Gravidamiga’s detailed blog post, "Babies & Sun."

Sunscreen Guidelines:

Sunscreen is not recommended for babies under one year. If you do use one, even after twelve months, choose sunscreens with mineral-based ingredients for gentle protection.

Hydration and Feeding:

Proper hydration is critical in hot weather:

  • Exclusively breastfed babies don’t typically need extra water since they can increase their milk intake as needed.

  • If your baby is on solids, introduce small amounts of water, unsweetened teas, and very diluted fruit and vegetable juices to complement their diet.

Suggested daily fluid intake (including breast milk):

  • Babies (4 months and older): ~0.5 liters

  • Toddlers (1-4 years): ~1 liter

  • Older children: At least 1 liter

Cool Foods to Offer:

Keep meals light and hydrating:

  • Fruit purees and juicy fruits like seedless watermelon help maintain hydration.

  • Cold soups, such as gazpacho or seedless cucumber soup, are refreshing and appropriate for toddlers.

  • For a treat, blend thawed, frozen fruits to make a sugar-free sorbet, perhaps mixed with a bit of yogurt.

Dressing for the Heat:

Clothing choices should be cool and comfortable:

  • Dress your baby in breathable fabrics like cotton, silk, or linen to help absorb sweat and prevent heat rash.

  • It’s often beneficial to let your baby go naked to avoid overheating.

  • Always use a light cap to protect their head from the sun and light drafts.

Check your baby’s comfort by feeling the back of their neck; it should be warm, not hot. Adjust their clothing to ensure they aren't overdressed.

Optimal Sleepwear and Environment:

For nighttime, ensure your baby doesn't overheat:

  • A short-sleeved cotton bodysuit and a lightweight sleeping bag are ideal for summer nights.

  • Avoid drafts in the sleep environment as they can cause sudden chills.

Choosing the Right Transport:

A stroller is often preferable over a sling or carrier in hot weather:

  • Ensure good airflow in the stroller and shade your baby with a sun sail to keep them cool.

Cooling Down Strategies:

Help your baby cool off with these simple methods:

  • Let them play in warm (not hot) water. Bathing at about 38 degrees Celsius is ideal.

  • Create a "towel pool" with small puddles on a towel for sensory play.

  • Gently wipe your baby with a lukewarm washcloth; the evaporation will cool them effectively.

  • Use damp towels on a clothes horse or in windows to cool down the room without creating drafts.

With these tips, your baby can stay comfortable and happy even on the hottest days. Remember, always consult your pediatrician if you have concerns about your baby’s health or well-being in the heat. Stay cool and safe!

Thanks, Dr. Christine. Learn more about her offerings.