How to Find a Kita in Cologne

By Lisa H

Last updated on 5 November 2024

Like in many other German cities, it can be challenging to find a Kita spot in Cologne as there are fewer daycare places than are needed. But here are some tips on how to navigate the system and find the right spot for your family.

If you need more information about how daycare in Germany works in general read our article regarding this topic.

Where to start

Our first tip is to start looking for a Kita spot as early as possible.

Keep in mind that new kids usually start daycare (especially in public institutions) on 1 August. Places are sometimes, but more rarely, available at other times of the year. (This is also good to know if you’re still planning your Elternzeit and return to work.)

The following options can be used to find and apply for your favorite daycare in Cologne. Often a combination helps to find the perfect spot for your family. 

Little Bird Cologne

The most important instrument to find the right place for the care of your child is the website Little Bird Cologne.

The allocation of places for a public Kita or Kindergarten is managed by the administration of the city of Cologne with the help of Little Bird Cologne. There you will find daycare facilities that are run by the city, welfare organizations, the church as well as parent initiative Kitas. From 2025 you can also search for a Tagesmutter on Little Bird. You can find information about how to use the website in several languages. The website itself can be used in English, French, Spanish and Turkish. 

On Little Bird, you can enter your address and find out which daycare centers exist in a distance defined by you. Afterwards you can apply for the registration of your child with up to six places.

To be able to do so, you have to register your family once. A childcare year always begins on 1 August and ends on 31 July of the following year. You should register at least 6 months before you need a place. But you can only register after birth. 

The whole process can be quite tedious - especially if you need a spot in the middle of the year. 

Also, it will likely not be enough to register with Little Bird as it only covers public Kitas. It is therefore recommended to also apply to privately run daycare centers – if you have the financial means as they tend to be a lot more expensive – more on private Kitas in Cologne below. 

You can often apply via the Kita’s website via an application form. You could also drop by your favorite Kitas in the afternoon so the Kita can get to know you.

Other contacts and options for finding a place

  • Keks e.V. is an association to which various parents' initiatives belong. Free places are also offered on their website.

  • Lilovii is a website that supports the search for childcare places throughout Germany, including spots in Cologne. The website mostly displays Tagesmütter and -väter and some KiTas and Kigas.

  • Search engines with corresponding search terms are also a helpful way to get an overview and then contact the organization directly. Taking the initiative is always a good idea.

  • Köln Kitas is an association of currently 40 daycare centers

  • Of course, you can also contact the Jugendamt directly to enquire about specific childcare options or to clarify other relevant issues.

  • There are also private - often bilingual - daycare centers that are not shown on Little Bird Cologne. You can search for them using keywords like: private bilingual Kita Köln

If you’re unsure what type of Kita is right for you, you can read our article about different pedagogical concepts. 

Childcare costs

Parents have to contribute to the childcare costs at a public daycare center. Two years before the child starts school, daycare is provided free of charge. The exact amount of the so-called Elternbeitrag depends on the income and the daily hours.

Since 2022, private daycare centers have not been allowed to charge higher parental contributions. Therefore, usually additional costs for a membership in the sponsoring association or other subsidies have to be paid.

Here is what you need to know about the fees at public daycare centers:

  • Fees are calculated based on the parent's gross income (“Brutto-Einkommen”) as well as the number of hours your child will spend at daycare.

  • The Kita fees in Cologne range from €0 to over €600 per month (as of 2024)

  • Two years before school starts parents don’t have to pay for daycare anymore. You just have to pay for food. You can check the costs according to your income on the website of the City of Cologne  (You can choose the language you prefer)

  • Families receive their bill for the parental contributions from the city of Cologne. The fee has to be paid on the 15th of each month.

For public Kitas, a distinction must be made between the parental contribution (Elternbeitrag – see above) and additional costs.

The additional fees are usually charged for meals as well as sometimes for the daycare center's support association. 

Frequently asked questions about the fees to public institutions are answered here

How your fees are calculated

The fees will be calculated based on your gross income in the previous calendar year (1 January - 31 December). The current income tax assessment notice is required as proof.

If no tax assessment notice is available, the highest parental contribution will be set according to the type of childcare. It is best to contact the city directly to find out which documents are required.

You can later declare the costs for childcare in your tax return. To do this, the tax office needs the notice from the city about the contributions to be paid.

Good luck finding the right Kita spot for your child!