Pregnancy Appointments

Your First Pregnancy Appointment in Germany
What should you expect at your first pregnancy appointment? What tests will be done? What documents should you bring? Find out in our article.

Changing Your OBGYN During Pregnancy in Germany: What You Need to Know
If you're thinking about changing your OBGYN during pregnancy in Germany, there's a few things you need to know about the timing and different options to move forward. Learn more.

3 Things To Do Once You Find Out You’re Pregnant
Here's what you want to tackle right away when you know you're having a baby – or better still: when you're planning a pregnancy in Germany.

Power and Limits of a Birth Plan
A birth plan outlines a pregnant person's labor and birth preferences to improve communication with healthcare providers, but has no legal standing.

What is a Mutterpass?
At your first appointment with your OBGYN or midwife, you will receive a little booklet called a “Mutterpass” in German. But what is this booklet and what do you do with it?

What to Expect at Your First Pregnancy Ultrasound in Germany
Let's dive into the details of your first ultrasound exam, which usually takes place between the 9th and 12th week of your pregnancy. Find out what to expect and what you will learn.

What to Expect at Your Second Pregnancy Ultrasound in Germany
In week 17-20, it's time for the second ultrasound exam during your pregnancy. This is when things get really exciting because you'll be able to see your baby in more detail! Find out what else to expect.

What to Expect at the Feindiagnostik Ultrasound in Germany
In certain cases, your OBGYN will recommend a special, detailed ultrasound, called the "Feindiagnostik." Find out when and why this may be recommended and what you can learn from the test.

The Pregnancy Diabetes Test in Germany
What is pregnancy diabetes? And how does the test work, which you will be offered around 24-28 weeks of pregnancy?

What to Expect at Your Third Pregnancy Ultrasound in Germany
Find our what your OBGYN will check at the third (and last) scheduled ultrasound during your pregnancy.

Medical Appointments During Pregnancy in Germany
Learn about the schedule of appointments with your OBGYN and/or midwife during pregnancy. How often are they? What tests are run?

Recommended Tests & Vaccinations in Pregnancy in Germany
You will find that there are lots of tests that will be offered to you leading up to your baby’s birth. Here is everything you need to know about each of the tests that are covered by public health insurance.

Prenatal Diagnostics in Germany: NIPT, First Trimester Screening & More
If you are thinking about having additional prenatal tests, here is an overview of the available invasive and non-invasive prenatal tests in Germany.

How to Find a Midwife in Munich
This article will tell you what platforms you can use to look for a midwife in Munich. It also offers some tips on how to make your midwife search successful.

Privately Paid Tests in Pregnancy: Toxoplasmosis, Cytomegaly, B Streptococcus & Parvovirus B19
Find an overview of the tests that are not covered by public health insurance. Our midwife explains what they are and how to decide.

Introducing call a midwife
Are you struggling to find a midwife that can support you during pregnancy and the postpartum period? We chat with Sabine, the founder of call a midwife, about how they can help.

Prenatal Diagnostics: How to Decide Whether to Test or Not
If you are thinking about or have been recommended to get additional prenatal testing done, here is some general information and guidance on how to make your decision.

Midwife, OBGYN, Doula – How Does Prenatal and Postnatal Care Work in Germany?
The way that prenatal and postnatal care is offered can vary greatly from country to country. Learn how the prenatal and postnatal care system works in Germany.