
Your First Pregnancy Appointment in Germany
What should you expect at your first pregnancy appointment? What tests will be done? What documents should you bring? Find out in our article.

Changing Your OBGYN During Pregnancy in Germany: What You Need to Know
If you're thinking about changing your OBGYN during pregnancy in Germany, there's a few things you need to know about the timing and different options to move forward. Learn more.

3 Things To Do Once You Find Out You’re Pregnant
Here's what you want to tackle right away when you know you're having a baby – or better still: when you're planning a pregnancy in Germany.

Guest Post: Parental Benefits I am Grateful for as an Indian Mother in Germany
In this guest post, Gitanjali More, mom of a little girl and the creator of The Confused Mother, reflects on her experience as an Indian mother in Germany.

How does the German healthcare system work for families?
As an international couple expecting a baby or a family moving to Germany from abroad, it’s super important to understand the German healthcare system. Learn how it works.

Berlin Prenatal Yoga Classes in English
Read on for an up-to-date list of prenatal/ pregnancy yoga classes in Berlin offered in English.

What Does a Doula Do And How Do They Support Families?
Are you curious about how doulas support families during pregnancy and the postpartum period? And how does this differ from the work of midwives? Read on to find out.

How to Find a Midwife in Düsseldorf
Finding a midwife in Düsseldorf can be challenging. Learn how and where to find a Hebamme.

Where to Give Birth in Düsseldorf
In this article, we’ve compiled everything you need to know about where to have your baby in Düsseldorf.

What to Expect at Your First Pregnancy Ultrasound in Germany
Let's dive into the details of your first ultrasound exam, which usually takes place between the 9th and 12th week of your pregnancy. Find out what to expect and what you will learn.

What to Expect at Your Second Pregnancy Ultrasound in Germany
In week 17-20, it's time for the second ultrasound exam during your pregnancy. This is when things get really exciting because you'll be able to see your baby in more detail! Find out what else to expect.

What to Expect at the Feindiagnostik Ultrasound in Germany
In certain cases, your OBGYN will recommend a special, detailed ultrasound, called the "Feindiagnostik." Find out when and why this may be recommended and what you can learn from the test.

The Pregnancy Diabetes Test in Germany
What is pregnancy diabetes? And how does the test work, which you will be offered around 24-28 weeks of pregnancy?

What is Mutterschaftsgeld and How Can I Get It?
Mutterschaftsgeld is one of the benefits available to (expecting) parents in Germany. But what is it exactly and how do you apply for it?

How to Find a Pediatrician in Berlin?
Once your baby arrives, you’ll need a pediatrician for both scheduled checkups as well as adhoc appointments. Here are tips on how and where to find one in Berlin.

How does the Vaterschafts-anerkennung (recognition of paternity) work?
Are you expecting a baby but are not married? Find out about the German process for recognition of paternity (Vaterschafts-anerkennung) – the how, the when and the why.

What Does a Midwife Do in Germany – And How Can I Find One?
Find out about the different types of midwives and how you can find a midwife for your pre-natal, birth and post-natal journey.

Medical Appointments During Pregnancy in Germany
Learn about the schedule of appointments with your OBGYN and/or midwife during pregnancy. How often are they? What tests are run?

Recommended Tests & Vaccinations in Pregnancy in Germany
You will find that there are lots of tests that will be offered to you leading up to your baby’s birth. Here is everything you need to know about each of the tests that are covered by public health insurance.

English Birth Preparation Classes in Berlin
Learn how to find a "Geburtsvorbereitungskurs" in English in Berlin.

Prenatal Diagnostics in Germany: NIPT, First Trimester Screening & More
If you are thinking about having additional prenatal tests, here is an overview of the available invasive and non-invasive prenatal tests in Germany.

How to find a Midwife in Berlin
Finding a midwife in Berlin can be challenging. Learn where you can find your Hebamme.

How to Find a Midwife in Cologne
This article will tell you what platforms to use and some tips on how to make your midwife search successful in Cologne.

How to Find a Midwife in Frankfurt
Congrats, you’re expecting a baby in Frankfurt. This article lists resources to help you find a midwife in your area.

How to Find a Midwife in Munich
This article will tell you what platforms you can use to look for a midwife in Munich. It also offers some tips on how to make your midwife search successful.

How to Get Support After Giving Birth (Paid By Your Health Insurance)
Did you know that you could get at-home support (called "Haushaltshilfe") after your baby is born and that this can be paid for by your health insurance? Learn more.

What is a Rückbildungskurs and Why Should I Take One?
Did you know that your German health insurance might pay for your postnatal recovery class? Learn more.

English Language Postnatal Recovery Courses in Düsseldorf
Learn about your options in Düsseldorf of attending a "Rückbildungskurs" in English.

Health Insurance for Baby and Parents on Leave in Germany
Learn what will happen to your health insurance when you’re having a baby as well as how and when to add your baby to your insurance.

How to Choose a Pediatrician in Germany
Learn about some of the questions to ask yourself and the doctors to decide if they're a good fit for your family.

Tips for big and small emergencies with babies and kids
Life with kids is never boring! Learn practical tips to prepare for big and small emergencies, provided by Dr. Claude Grenzbach.

What is an U-Untersuchung?
Learn what the U-Untersuchungen and the yellow booklet are all about in Germany.

Postpartum Support for New Families in Berlin
Life as new parents can be exhausting and we're not meant to do it alone! Here's a list of support for new families in Berlin – for practical things as well as mental, emotional or physical support.

Introducing call a midwife
Are you struggling to find a midwife that can support you during pregnancy and the postpartum period? We chat with Sabine, the founder of call a midwife, about how they can help.

Giving Birth at Home or at a Birthing Center in Berlin
Here's everything you need to know if you're considering to give birth at a birthing center (Geburtshaus) or doing a home birth (Hausgeburt) in Berlin.

An Overview of Pregnancy & Parental Benefits in Germany
Did you know how many government programs (soon-to-be) parents can benefit from in Germany? Here's an overview so you don't get lost.

Midwife, OBGYN, Doula – How Does Prenatal and Postnatal Care Work in Germany?
The way that prenatal and postnatal care is offered can vary greatly from country to country. Learn how the prenatal and postnatal care system works in Germany.