Sophie Iremonger

Gardener for busy families with small gardens/ balconies



Über 👋

Hi I'm Sophie,

your organic gardener for busy families with small gardens and balconies in Berlin.

Born in Ireland 1983,

moved to Berlin 2008,

worked in visual art

started easybeeberlin 2020.

I have been gardening since I was 4 years old. Much to my mother’s horror I often brought home abandoned filing cabinets to the family garden, filled them with soil and grew carrots in them.

Later I progressed to my own balcony and then on to a large garden where I love growing all my own vegetables.

Now I am excited to help Berlin families create beautiful gardens and balconies.


Unsere Guides können ein Büro haben, Hausbesuche anbieten und/oder Dich an einem vereinbarten Ort treffen.

Wo Sophie Dich treffen kann:

  • All-Districts

Angebote ❤️

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Expert gardener for busy families

easybeeberlin helps you make the most of your habitat & relax surrounded by lush plants without the hard work.

I offer bespoke gardening services to busy expat families with small gardens & balconies who are finding it hard to schedule caring for the garden themselves.

Achieve your gardening goals with personal service:

  • Space to relax in a low maintenance garden.

  • Connect with nature in a garden friendly to pollinators, pets & kids

  • Do your bit by creating a garden organically- no pesticides or herbicides

It’s all possible.

Free online consultations

Find the plants that are right for you with a free online consultation

Organic garden care/clean up 30€ per hour
  • Pruning

  • Lawn

  • Weeding

  • complete clean up

  • Planting

  • Watering

Gardening classes: 90 minutes 45€ (kids join free)
  • Grow your own organic veg as a family

Balcony makeovers (starts from 300€)
  • Creation of pet and kid friendly low maintenance gardens

  • Garden design

I am the busy bee so you don’t have to be!

Qualifikationen 🏅

Unsere Guides geben ihre Qualifikationen und Zertifizierungen an, damit wir ihre fachliche Expertise überprüfen können.

B.A Fine Art, National College of Art and Design, Ireland

Horticulture/Garden Design at Capel Manor College London

Kontaktiere Sophie

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