Sina Serret

Osteopath for Babies, Children and Adults



Über 👋

Hi, I am Sina and together with my partner Melanie I have a practice for osteopathy and homeopathy for children and adults and for body therapy in Berlin Rummelsburg.

Based on our own experience, it is important to us that pregnant women, babies, children and families are well looked after, as the period of pregnancy, the time around birth and the postpartum period can be particularly challenging.

We also provide osteopathic and homeopathic support for children to help them develop in the best possible way and help adults with pain, health problems and mental health issues.


Unsere Guides können ein Büro haben, Hausbesuche anbieten und/oder Dich an einem vereinbarten Ort treffen.

Büro-Addresse: Praxis Serret, Pfarrstraße 104, 10317 Berlin

Angebote ❤️

Schau Dir die Dienstleistungen und/oder Pakete von Sina an

I work with babies, toddlers, children, adolescents and adults. I help them to re-establish a bodily balance via gentles techniques, working with the muscles and fascia.

I often work with families when they experience one or more of the following scenarios:

In pregnancy:

  • Various aches and pains (such as backpain, symphysis pain, pain in the feet, legs, arms, headache, etc.)

  • Sensory disturbances

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Support for optimal pelvic mobility in preparation for the birth process


  • After very long or very quick births

  • After birth interventions (c-section, vacuum extraction, forceps, violence during birth)

  • After the use of a suction bell or a forceps

  • Tongue ties

  • Colic

  • Preference of one side over the other

  • Blockage of the spine

  • Difficulties with breastfeeding (mom or baby)

  • Developmental delays

  • Restricted mobility and posture issues

  • Difficulties with teething

  • Nervous and restless babies

I also work with couples who are facing challenges in their fertility journey.

My rates are as follows:

  • Initial anamnesis, examination, including treatment: €95 (approx. 60 minutes)

  • Follow-up appointment: €85 (approx. 60 minutes)

(We usually find that most issues can be resolved within 2-3 sessions.)

Unterstützte Communities

Unsere Guides haben Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit verschiedenen Communities.


Viele der Leistungen unserer Guides werden von der Versicherung übernommen. Bitte erkundige Dich bei Deiner Versicherung, ob sie die jeweilige Leistung übernehmen.

Most statutory health insurance companies cover part of the costs of osteopathic treatment. A referral/prescription from a doctor is required for this. This can then be submitted to the health insurance company together with the invoice.

Private and supplementary insurance policies that cover the treatment of alternative practitioners pay for osteopathic and homeopathic treatment in part or in full.

Qualifikationen 🏅

Unsere Guides geben ihre Qualifikationen und Zertifizierungen an, damit wir ihre fachliche Expertise überprüfen können.

I am a certified osteopath with additional training and specialization in the treatment of pregnant women and babies.

  • 5-year training as an osteopath (College Sutherland Berlin, 2009-2014)

  • Further training in pediatric osteopathy: (OZK Berlin Tom Esser, 2016-2019)

  • Permission to use the professional title of alternative practitioner (Berlin Lichtenberg Health Department, 2016)


Bitte lass Sina wissen, dass Du ihn/sie über Kietzee gefunden hast 🙏

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (0176) 618-53140




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