Carolin Pfennig

Chiropractor & Trained Occupational Therapist



Über 👋

Hi, Hallo y Hola, I am Carolin.

My work focuses in supporting Babys, toddlers, kids, teens and adults (pre, peri, post pregnancy) in reaching their optimal health potential through chiropractic care.

I respect every patient very much and we only work in your tolerance and I very much appreciate individual treatment preferences.

I love to spread joy, happiness and laughter as I believe this lifts the wellbeing of every person.

I am looking forward to meeting you!

Que tengas suerte! Caro


Unsere Guides können ein Büro haben, Hausbesuche anbieten und/oder Dich an einem vereinbarten Ort treffen.

Büro-Addresse: Chausseestraße 88, Berlin Chiropraktoren Laura Groom, 10115 Berlin

Angebote ❤️

Schau Dir die Dienstleistungen und/oder Pakete von Carolin an

We, Laura Groom and I at Berlin Chiropraktoren offer individual chiropractic care to adults (including pregnancy) and paediatric population.

We specialise on supporting pregnant people and their bodies through their pregnancy so that baby has a cozy home and the parents feel comfortable during the process of growing a new life and preparing for birth.

After birth we support babies, toddlers and kids to reach their optimal neurophysiological potential to grow and explore life whilst still giving care to the parents.

I, Carolin have a special interest in supporting feeding difficulties and neurodivergency as well as supporting teenagers and adults in finding connection with their body and natural cycles motivated by my own healing journey from hypothalamic amenorrhea and Anorexia nervosa through my youth and young adulthood.

  • Support during the fertility journey, during pregnancy and after giving birth

  • Back pain and pelvic girdle pain

  • Headaches

  • Asymmetries in babies, kids and adults

  • Digestive issues

  • Breastfeeding difficulties

  • Crying infant

  • Neurodivergency (autism, ADHD, anxiety)

  • Preventitive measures for example to avoid pain during pregnancy or a newborn checkup

Unterstützte Communities

Unsere Guides haben Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit verschiedenen Communities.


Viele der Leistungen unserer Guides werden von der Versicherung übernommen. Bitte erkundige Dich bei Deiner Versicherung, ob sie die jeweilige Leistung übernehmen.

We are a self-pay practice but with specific additional private insurance or depending on your insurance contract you might get support or reimbursement of the treatment costs.

Some legal insurances pay partially towards chiropractic or osteopathic treatments same for private insurances. We are more than happy to aid every patient in discussing the individual costs with regards to their insurance.

For more details, please contact our reception.

Qualifikationen 🏅

Unsere Guides geben ihre Qualifikationen und Zertifizierungen an, damit wir ihre fachliche Expertise überprüfen können.

I have always had major interest in working with Babys and children.

After a visit at my parents chiropractor at the age of 12, I knew I wanted to become a chiropractor for Babys.

After my voluntary social year in the Krippe (daycare center) (2015), I first decided to train as am occupational therapist in Leipzig.

  • I have the degree of Staatlich anerkannte und geprüfte Ergotherapeutin Bildungsakademie Dresden (Leipzig) (2016-2019)

During my occupational therapist apprenticeship I worked a lot with babys with feeding difficulties and neurodivergency and always thought they could additionally benefit from chiropractic care.

Therefore I decided to follow my dream and moved to the UK, Bournemoth to study chiropractic. To work in Germany I also completed my " "big Heilpraktiker" during my studies in the UK:

  • MChiro AECC University college Bournemouth (now HSU) (2019-2023)

  • Chiropractic seminars SOT, paediatric by Steve Willliams and Elisabeth Davidson, Weiterbildungen in funktioneller Neurologie Russ Hornstein

  • Heilpraktikerin (allgemein) (2022)

Through my own healing journey from Hypothalamic amenorrhea and Anorexia nervosa I found my calling in supporting young adults and other patients in finding connection with their body, living in sync with their cycle and supporting their emotions.

It would be a pleasure to work with you!

Lots of happiness, joy and laughter Caro :)


Bitte lass Carolin wissen, dass Du ihn/sie über Kietzee gefunden hast 🙏

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (030) 28875433



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