Angela Vitiello

Expat Parent Coach



Über 👋

Hello everyone! I'm Angela.

I went abroad in 2010 and in 2018, I became a mom to a beautiful little girl. She was perfect and I was struggling.

I didn't know what it meant to be a mom, in a foreign land, with third culture kids and with no village, comfort zone, friends, etc. So, I went off on a quest to do all the research and experiment with it, to help me be more comfortable as an expat parent.

I did all the research so you don't have to, and that is how the Expat Parenting Collective was born.

The Expat Parenting Collective employs experiential learning, intercultural communications (Global Dexterity), systems psychodynamics coaching, somatic and mindfulness exercises, human based leadership strategies, mindful leadership theory and so much more. It's all super practical and useful for you (as a parent), and many things can also be used with your kids.

My motivation: Being an expat parent can be overwhelming and challenging, and I'm here to help you out of survival mode and into enjoying the beauty that an expat life allows. All depends on us to plant those seeds for the next generation to flourish. You can do this!

N.B. Although I live in Brussels, Belgium with my husband and two children, I travel the world to provide these services to my clients, individually and in groups, as well as offer them online.

Any questions, feel free to reach out and ask. Looking forward to working with you!


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Angebote ❤️

Schau Dir die Dienstleistungen und/oder Pakete von Angela an

I offer two services:

1. Supported (1-1 or couples coaching)

Supported is a safe space to explore your concerns, fears and aspirations as a parent in a foreign land.

This is personalized guidance tailored to your unique expat parent challenges (e.g. planning to go on maternity/paternity, struggling with ups and downs of growing children, not parenting in the way you would like, dealing with inter-cultural communication challenges, balancing it all, etc.).

This could be a one off session or contract for a group of sessions. It could also be one on one or with a couple/parenting team. One 60 minute session is 200€ or 90 minute session is 250€.

2. Empowered (a 6-week program tailored to you/a couple's needs)

Empowered is an intimate and transformative 6-week journey using experiential learning, psychodynamics and mindfulness.

In those 6 weeks, each weekly session is 2 hours.

You take a deep dive into your family dynamics, identify pain points and gain profound self-awareness.

You will walk away with a newfound confidence, clarity and a action plan for getting on the same page with your partner, finding what work-life balance looks like for you, discover what energizes you and improve your self awareness in order to be more present as a parent.

This journey is 2 hours per week for 6 weeks and costs 4.500€.

All prices include VAT.

Qualifikationen 🏅

Unsere Guides geben ihre Qualifikationen und Zertifizierungen an, damit wir ihre fachliche Expertise überprüfen können.


  • Mental Health Literacy (Institute of Coaching at Harvard McLean School of Medicine, 2023)

  • Relational Intelligence (Institute of Coaching at Harvard McLean School of Medicine, 2023)

  • Certified Mindfulness (MBSR) Facilitator, Educator & Coach (EAMBA, 2023)

  • Advanced Coaching in Groups (INSEAD, 2023)

  • Gender Diversity (and how it affects parents going back to work) (INSEAD, 2022)

  • INSEAD Coaching Certificate (INSEAD, 2022)

  • Global Dexterity Trainer & Coach (Molinsky, 2021)

  • Science of Well Being (Yale, 2021)

Memberships and Affiliations:

  • INSEAD Alumni (Belgium)

  • Member at European Coaching and Mentoring Council (EMCC)

  • Affiliate with Institute of Coaching at Harvard McLean School of Medicine

**As a person in the helping profession, I receive supervision on a monthly basis. Please make sure you ask any coach or mental health practitioner this question to assure you are receiving the best possible care. **

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