Frankfurt Postnatal Recovery Courses in English

By Lisa H &

Last updated on 28 August 2024

If you have just had a baby, your body has undergone a variety of changes. Postnatal courses are recommended in Germany to support your body during the recovery process. You will learn exercises to strengthen your core muscles and pelvic floor. The courses also offer the opportunity to meet other families and spend some time together.

Learn more about when to start your Rückbildungskurs and the different types.

When certified by health insurance, your postnatal recovery course (“Rückbildungskurs”) can even be covered by public health insurance. You can search the database of your health insurance provider to find them though likely you will only find them taught in German.

If you prefer English, we found a few different Frankfurt-based postnatal exercise classes as well as postnatal yoga classes held in English. 

This article was fact checked by doula Amanda Graybill, who mindfully guides international families in Frankfurt and beyond through the transition to parenthood. She also offers birth preparation classes in English.

Familiengesundheitszentrum – Postnatal Yoga

The Familiengesundheitszentrum offers a wide range of services and courses related to birth and life as a family.

This also includes English postnatal yoga courses with or without babies.

You can decide if you want to spend some precious me-time or attend the course with your baby. Both courses consist of 10 dates each. You can attend them in person at Neuhofstr. in Frankfurt or online via Zoom. 

Register by email to the course leader Lisa Dempsey: [email protected]. The fee for each yoga course is €145. You can ask your insurance if this will be covered.

Familiengesundheitszentrum – “Classic” Postnatal Course

They also offer a “classic” postnatal course in addition to the yoga courses. Babies are very welcome in this course. 

The babies will be integrated into the exercises, can sleep or breastfed. They lie in the center with the other babies discovering their environment.

The combination of training and relaxation exercises to strengthen the body and valuable discussions on topics relating to birth and the development of babies in the first year of life offer you space for exchange and self-care.

The course consists of 8 dates which each last 1 hour and 45 minutes and the fee for the course is €130. The course instructors are certified but you have to check with your insurance if the fee will be reimbursed.

Klick “Anmeldung” and fill in the form. Don’t forget to add the name of the course.


Yogafundi is led by Tam who completed her professional certification in 2015 in Rishikesh, India and currently (as of August 2024) offers prenatal, postnatal and yoga-with-baby-courses. 

She may also be adding new group classes in the near future: Ask for new courses and when they start. 

You can find her on Instagram or you can contact her by email: [email protected].

Milla Hebammenpraxis

Milla Hebammenpraxis offers two different courses, both aimed at strengthening your body after birth. 

The first one is English Strong core - diastasis recti (babies welcome). In this course you will strengthen and stabilize the center of your body with static exercises. The deep muscles of the pelvic floor and the abdominal muscle layers as well as the back muscles are trained. The closure of the rectus diastasis is supported. Posture and breathing training rounds off the course. You can apply for it by sending an e-mail to [email protected]

You can attend 8 course units and the fee will be €149. Some health insurances reimburse the costs.

The second course is the English Post-natal gymnastic class (babies are welcome). It will also be held by Rückenschule Frankfurt. 

This holistic course is especially designed for mothers. The main focus is on strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, the lower and upper back. You will be learning how to hold and carry your baby in a back-friendly way. You will also be strengthening the abdominal muscles and round out the course with short relaxation techniques. You can apply for it by sending an e-mail to [email protected]

This course also consists of 8 units and the fee is €149 that can be reimbursed by health insurance.

Online and German postnatal exercise classes

Check out our list of online postnatal yoga and exercise classes, some of which are held live while others are pre-recorded. 

Or, if you are happy to attend a German-language “Rückbildungskurs”, check out this list of courses at kidsgo.

Additionally, these providers were recommended by doula Amanda Graybill:


Annie and Kirstin specialize in pre- and postpartum training. They also offer a Rückbildung course that may be covered by insurance. Annie also offers a group of classes for Mamas just in Japanese. 

Storchennest Frankfurt

They have a robust offering of courses - though all officially offered in German, it’s worth calling to see if the class you want has an English-speaking teacher. 

Novia Hebammen

Rückbildung offered in German but the midwives both speak English. 

Spirit Women Zentrum

Offers Rückbildung in German.

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