Kietzee Lunch and Learns

Thanks so much for your interest in hosting a "Lunch and Learn" for the Kietzee community!

🐘 What are Kietzee Lunch and Learns?

Kietzee Lunch and Learns are an opportunity for Kietzee members to learn about a specific topic during their lunch break.

At the same time, it's a way for our Guides to share their expertise with our community, virtually via Zoom.

💡 How does it work?

Every month, we choose a topic that is relevant for new and / or expecting parents in Berlin. We're looking for a diverse range of topics that many international families can benefit from.

For example, our first Lunch and Learn was with Elodie from Baby in Berlin, who did a 1-hour session on the topic of baby paperwork (Elterngeld, Kindergeld, Elternzeit...). Our next Lunch and Learn was on the topic of baby sleep with Keatyn Jayne.

Other relevant topics could be around choosing where to give birth, how to prepare for the postpartum period, weaning and introducing solids, raising multilingual kids, self care and managing mental load for parents, etc.

You can see past and upcoming topics on this spreadsheet.

Lunch and Learns take place once or twice a month on a weekday at 12:00 (noon). The format is a presentation (20-30 minutes) and then Q&A.

The information should be facts and evidence-based. It can be more practical or inspirational, depending on the topic.

(Lunch and Learns are part of our Guides program and thus, all current Guides are invited to propose a session!)

🤝 Next steps

We are super grateful that you are offering up your time and expertise to our community.

While we cannot guarantee any follow-on business, we do know from past experience that our partners have met new clients via the Kietzee platform, and hope the same will be true for our Lunch and Learns!

So don't hesitate to reach out if you have an idea for a Lunch and Learn that you'd like to discuss 😊

📧 [email protected]

I look forward to hearing from you!

All the best and chat soon,


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(Kietzee founder and parent of two little humans)