Pregnant woman receiving an abdominal ultrasound

What to Expect at Your First Pregnancy Ultrasound in Germany

By Lisa H

Last updated on 23 January 2025

If you’re having a baby in Germany, you are scheduled to have three main ultrasound appointments – in week 9-12, week 17-20 and week 30. These appointments are covered by your health insurance.

(There may be more depending on your individual situation but every pregnant person will have these three ultrasounds at their OBGYN practice. You can get an overview of all the medical appointments during pregnancy in our article.)

Here’s what to expect at your first ultrasound appointment in week 9-12:

This is a crucial milestone where we can find out if the embryo has successfully nestled into the gestational sac. To get a clearer picture of your baby, your OBGYN may perform a transvaginal ultrasound (rather than a pelvic ultrasound on your abdomen) for this first ultrasound.

During this exam, the OBGYN will measure your baby's size, which helps them determine your current week of pregnancy and your due date.

You will also find out how many babies you are expecting. And will also be able to hear your baby's heartbeat on the monitor. ❤️

By the way, at around 9 weeks of pregnancy, your baby should be approximately two centimeters long. However, we won't be able to tell if it's a boy or a girl just yet. That's a surprise for later!

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